Chapter 6

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Jungkook and I went in..

The hotel was filled with different types of flower trailing into a room.

The room was filled with blue lights like the chandeliers and others and every table and chairs were decorated and arranged properly..

"It's beautiful."I said.

"But not that elegant."He said.

"It's just for you.."I mumbled.

"What was that?..I didn't hear you don't mumble."He said.

"It was nothing.."I said.

We look for a table and decided to be in the center..

Jungkook was now being a gentlemen type he moved the chair and make me sit.

"Thank you."I thanked him and he just nod and sat beside me.

"So..What will we be doing if they ask a lot of questions?"I asked.

"Just answer them and if you cannot take their questions i'll answer them for you."He said and I nod.

"When they ask us how long have we been dating just answer them 'we've been dating for 2 months' and you work in the company as a secretary before I got in,but..We meet in a mall and started being friends until we develop feelings towards each other'.."He said.

"All right.."I said.

"I almost forgot my hyungs is gonna be here,so act cool.."He said and I nod.

The party was now started as what Jungkook said his hyungs came and sit with us..

"Oh it's (Y/n)..Hey!"Hoseok greeted me.

"Hey Hoseok.."I greeted him back.

"You look lovely tonight,(Y/n)."Taehyung compliment.

"Thanks,you too."I said and he smiled.

"This is unfair..You know her why didn't you tell me.."A black haired guy said.

"Don't be a baby,Jin.."Namjoon said.

"I'm here sorry for being late."A mint color haired guy said.

"Why can't you just tell us,Jungkook who is she?"A blond haired guy asked.

"She's Jungkook's personal assistant."Namjoon said.

"And my 'girlfriend' tho."Jungkook said.

"Yeah and his..What?!"Taehyung got chocked.

"Yes,her and I are couple and we've been dating for 2 months.."He said and I nod.

"Our apologies if we didn't tell you earlier..It's just that our r-relationship and our career are different and cannot be mixed in time."I said.

Just act cool like this,(Y/n)..You can do it it's just this night and it will never be happen again..

"Woah!..You got a girlfriend now hyung?!..Why didn't you told us?"Jin said.

"Sorry,I was busy at the whole time and like what (Y/n) said our relationship and career cannot be mixed up in time.."He said.

"We understand..Just don't keep secret on us again.."Namjoon said.

"And now let's all welcome the couple!!"The host announced.

The male entered the room first he was wearing a brown tutrtle neck with a black suit with a pair of black shoes..And the female entered with a beautiful dresss her dress was taking over everyones attention how the female dress shining..It was a white beautiful dress surrounded with beautiful gems and her hair was tied up in a bun and a little crown on it and a pair of glass slipper and her jewelleries were also shining like her dress..

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