Chapter 27

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"Didn't I told you not to come here?!"I shouted at Kimberly while she was sitting in the couch.

"I'm not here to see you I'm here to inform you that your love rival is back~"She said smiling at me.

"What do you mean love rival?!"I said and she chuckled.

"Simple my ex fiancée it's Andriel..He's back I make him come here at South Korea."She said.

'She did what..?!'

"Like h*ll he would get (Y/n) from me she's my wife now."I said.

"Yes,you and (Y/n) may be married,but you guys still haven't any bridge to connect more and you guys are just wife and husband in the contract,but.."

"Can you guys still love each other when Andriel is gonna make his move..?"


I'm glad it's already finished..All of my paper works are finished which means I can leave work early now and it's still 4 pm so I can just buy some ingredients in the groceries to cook something for Jungkook..

I take all of my staffs before heading to the car and went to the groceries to buy some ingredients..


I take some eggs,flour and other ingredients to bake some cupcakes and I also take some meat,pork and some cabbages,lettuce,tomatoes,onions..


"I-I'm sorry I don't mean to—"I got cut off.

"(Y/n)..?!"It was Andriel.

"Is that really you?..Wow! I didn't know you wanted to come here in South Korea."I said and he sratch the back of his head.

"Well..It's kind of a long story to tell,but I just came here earlier."He said.

"Really?! You haven't contact me for so long after Jungkook and I went back here,How are you doing?"I said.

"Well I'm good..How about the married life with Jungkoook?"He asked.

"Y-You already know about that?.."I said and he nods.

"Kimberly keep updating me though and I don't know why.."He said.

"Well she's still into us trying to break the both of us apart.."I said and he sighted before taping my head.

"Everything's going to be alright,okay?"He said and I just nod.

"How about you have some dinner with us?"I said.

"Hmm..Sure I would like to see Jungkook again."He said and he started to help me buying my other needed ingredients before heading home.


"That was pretty exhausted.."I sighted as Andriel put all of the plastic bags on the counter.

"Well..You lived here at his mansion?"He asked and I nod.

"I told him that I'll be good in my apartment,but he keeps insisting."I said and he nods before putting an apron.

"What are you doing?"I said and he chuckled.

"I'm going to help you to bake and especially make dinner,silly.."He said.

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