Chapter 17

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I was on the car with only Kimberly and I while the guys were the back of us..

"So..I was wondering (Y/n)..Before in the future Jungkook and you are getting engaged and then get married..Won't you like to have any girls night?..Like full of gift and surprises then guys at the room?"She asked.

"Oh..I'm not that kind of..I only hoping simple wedding not grande.."I said.

"What?!..I mean Jungkook is really rich and why don't you want any grande engagement party nor wedding?..Don't tell me his that stupid not to cost any money for you!"She said.

'Is this really the real Kimberly?..She's nice at all but she's that really desperate for some kind of grande?..'

"N-No he isn't like that to me..I really don't want any grande engagement nor wedding in the future.."I said.

"I see..But hey there's so many hot guys out there at the beach..I was thinking of that idea before you could say it I don't want to be the one to say it since Andriel is very strict when it comes to me.."She chuckled.

"He's protective,huh.."I chuckled.

"Yeah he is..But I do love him after all..I tell him about my life including my friends and family..While him..He..Oh nevermind.."She said.

"You can tell me.."I said.

"Well..He does tell me about his friends sometimes,but he never tell me anything about his family.."She said.

"What about you bring a topic that to him later?"I asked.

"I-I don't know..I don't wanna make him mad or something he doesn't be like.."She said.

"What if we gently asked him like by accident?"I asked.

"Really?!..Thanks!"She said and I nod.


"Finally we arrived!"She exclaimed.

Kimberly off the engine and put her sunglasses on and we both went out from the car..

'This is it the honfleur beach..'

"There's so many people but,Hey the view is nice."I said.

"Yeah..How about we spot in there?"She said while pointing at the clear area.

"Yeah,sure let's tell the guys.."And we both went to the guys.

"Did you get the rest Jungkook?"Andriel asked.

"Yeah,I did.."Jungkook said.

"Hey Hun!"Kimberly said.

"Hey..Did you find any spot for us?"He asked.

"Yeah,I do..So let's go."She said and Andriel nods.

"Why don't you take off your swimsuit coat?"Jungkook said.

"I'm not that kind of confident like Kimberly..I'm going to get flustered if I did..In fact there's so many people at here.."I said.

"That's why they called it beach.."He said.

"Whatever..I'm not taking it off."I said.

"You don't want me to see it?"He tease.

"Jungkook that's not funny at all.."I said and he chuckled.

"Fine..Sorry..Let's go?..We're getting leave ahead from them."He said and I nod.

We finally arrange our stuffs at the spot we chosen..

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