Chapter 13

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It was time for us Jungkook and I to go back and pack our things to get pick up for..

"I'm gonna miss you so much Noona.."Kharl said and hugged me.

"Don't be such a baby Kharl you pretty old and i'll miss you too.."I said and the pat his head.

"Take care (Y/n) and please look after to my daughter Jungkook."Mom said.

"I will Mrs.(L/n).."Jungkook said.

"Stop calling me 'Mrs.(L/n)' instead just call me Cassandra."Mom said and Jungkook was shocked and happy about it.

"It we'll be my pleasure,Cassandra.."Jungkook said and mom smiled.

"You did a great job kid and just call me Jackson.."Dad said.

"Thank you Jackson.."Jungkook said.

"What did Jungkook do to get praise of you dad?"I asked.

"There's nothing you need to worry about (Y/n)."Dad said and I just sighted.

"Anyways,I hope to see again soon your girlfriend Matthew.."I said Matthew and Dad was a bit sweating.

"M-Matthew has a g-girlfriend..?!"Jungkook said.

"You didn't know?"I asked.

"Oh..Uh..Let's not talk about it.."Dad said while scratching the back of his hair.

"Well,I'm glad he has.."Jungkook said and smiled.

"You should.."I said.

"Well..At least i'm not yet a roast chicken.."Matthew said sweatdrops.

"Wel'll have to go now..Jackson,Cassandra,Matthew and Kharl I have something up for you in a next few days it will deliever on you.."Jungkook said and Kharl was getting excited and happy at the same time.

"Oh Yes!!..I can't wait to get a part time job for you Mr.Jeon!!"Kharl said happily.

"You can call me Jungkook or brother,perhaps.."Jungkook said.

"Brother would be nice!"Kharl exclaimed.

"Kharl."I said.

"Oh..Sorry Noona.."Kharl said and I nod.

And then Jungkook and I went to his car and drove away back to his mansion..

There were maids when we went in to his mansion and looking at me..Jungkook told them that they can leave after they done cleaning and we were starting to packing our clothes..

I grab my (f/c) suitcase and take my clothes,pajamas,undies..And other staffs for 4 days of vacation with Kimberly and Andriel..

"I don't know if I can lie with Kimberly..What if she hates me?..I think I cant lie to her..."I sighted.

'I'll just tell her after her wedding so she wouldn't carry anything bad before her wedding..And is it really okay that the bride and the groom see each other before their wedding?..'

'There is a superstitious about it that if the bride and groom see each other before their wedding something bad will happen..'


"Are you ready,(Y/n)?"Jungkook said.

"Yes,I am i'll head downstairs give me a minute.."I said.

"A-All right.."He said.

I took my suitcase and other staffs and then headed outside the mansion..

I saw Jungkook and another man talking to each other so I walk towards them..

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