Chapter 11

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"Hey Jungkook wake up!"

"Hmm..Give me 5 minutes.."I complain

"It's the day for my test!"He said.

'Ugh!..The curtains!!'

"What test?"I asked.

"You said you wanted to ask my daughter's hand on me and you accepted my test for asking her hand.."He said.

"Oh right.."I said and crawl out from bed.

"Did you sleep well?"He asked.

"Yeah what time is it?"I asked.

"It's already 5:30 am early in the morning..Our breakfast is ready any minute Matthew will be here.."He said.

"Oh right..Him.."I said and yawn.

"Seems like your not ready for waking up early.."He said.

"Yeah..I always woke up at 6:00 am and (Y/n) will prepared my meal,clothes and other things.."I said.

"I see..She did that too early..She cooked our breakfast she also prepared your clothes.."He said.

"Where is she?"I asked.

"She's with Cassandra..There heading to the market to buy ingredients,meat and some fish for our lunch and dinner.."He said.

"Isn't it too early for them to went there?"I asked.

"The market isn't that near here you need to drive for 45 minutes.."He said.

"I see..I'll take my shower and i'll head downstairs.."I said and he nod.

I went to the bathroom and on the shower..

'So she uses her (f/s:Favorite shampoo) and her (f/s:Favorite soap) and also her towel is (f/c)..All of her things here are her favorite..'

I wear Red T-Shirt,Black pants,A boots and A farmer's hat..

"I'm here.."I said and sit down.

"Here I've finished my meal so here's yours.."He said.

"Thank you.."I thanked him and he nods.

'Chicken soup,scrambled eggs,rice and milk..'

'She's making me full of this..Well,I'm glad that she does care for me..'

"If your thinking your the only one who got a food prepared like that from her..Then,your wrong.."A voice spoke.

"Oh it's you Matthew.."I said.

'Making my morning bad,huh..'

"And if your thinking that i'm making your morning bad,then again your wrong.."He said.

"I'm here to see (Y/n) where is she?"He asked.

"Mr.(L/n) says that her and Mrs.(L/n) went early to the market.."I said.

"I see..Are you ready for our competition?"He asked.

"Yes..Do you want to eat I can share."I said.

"Nah,i'm good I already ate at my house..I'm heading to the farm now..You better follow and not turning tack down..(Y/n) doesn't a guy like that.."With that he walked out.

"Ego.."I mumbled and started to eat.


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