Chapter 9

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We get out of the car and went inside in the farm.



It was my younger brother.. (The photo above is your brother Kharl)

"How was your day Noona and who is he?"Kharl asked and looked at Jungkook.

"I'm her boss and a friend at the same time.."Jungkook said.

"Oh..It's nice having you here??"He said.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook.."Jungkook said offering a hand to my brother.

"Oh my God!!..The fiflthy rich business man and successful one?!!..It's nice meeting you sir!!"Kharl shouted and shake Jungkook's hand.."

"Hehehehe..That's enough Kharl.."I said and take Kharl's hand away.

"Come inside Noona and sir."Kharl said.

"Just call me Jungkook.."Jungkook said and Kharl nods while smiling.

This is my brother Kharl (L/n) when it comes to business his eager to meet successful business man because he wanted to become one too in the future..



(Y/n)'s brother is kinda creeping me out I didn't even know he has the type of being a business man in the future like what she said and he's eager to be like me..

I think we're gonna be close..I'll offer him some side job if he's still studying..

"Eomma! Abeoji! Noona is here with a friend!"Kharl shouted.

Translation: Eomma- Mom Abeoji-Father

"Yes were coming!!"

The adult man and women came inside from the back with some basket on them..

"Oh! hello there young man what's your name?"The adult woman asked.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook it's a pleasure to meet you ma'am?"I said.

"I'm Alexandra (L/n) and this is Jackson (L/n) we are the parents of (Y/n)..Please just call me Alexandra or Mrs.(L/n) I don't accept with a 'maam'."She said and I smiled.

"Very well Mrs.(L/n)."I said.

"So your a friend of my daughter?..What bring you here to come with her?"Mr.(L/n) said.

"Since she said she we'll be going here with you in weekends I didn't have anything to do so I just suggest to go with her and she accepted.."I said.

"Are you all right with this in our farm?"He asked.

"I'm completely all right Mr.(L/n) it's not my first time and i'm also here to help you guys out.."I said.

"Woah!..This is my first time hearing and gonna saw a successful business man doing a farmer's job!"Kharl said.

"Kharl behave yourself.."Mrs.(L/n) said.

"Sorry.."Kharl said.

"Does the guest room available?"(Y/n) asked.

"Yes it is,but..It's kinda dirty because I think we didn't clean it for ages and we don't have much time to clean it since I didn't even know that we have a guest today.."Mr.(L/n) said while scratching the back of his head.

"A-Abeoji!!"(Y/n) said in embarrassment.

"It's all right (Y/n).."I said.

"I'm really sorry Jungkook.."She said not looking at me.

I told her it was fine but from her tone and actions she's really embarrassed.

"Why don't you let him sleep in your room and just sleep with Kharl tonight and tomorrow you'll start cleaning that room.."Mrs.(L/n) said.

"Is that okay with you Kharl?"She asked.

"Your not sleeping in the couch nor the floor Noona!! so yes i'll let you sleep beside me if you accept my condition.."He said.

"Ugh..Fine..What's the condition?"She asked.

"Excuse us we're going to take a private conversation.."He said and they left.

"Where's the bag and the suitcase?"Mr.(L/n) asked.

"I almost forgot..They are in the car i'll go get them.."I said.

"I'll help you..Alexandra can you cook dinner for all of us?"Mr.(L/n) asked.

"Of course Jackson..I'll cook also my special dish for our special guest.."Mrs.(L/n) said.

I kinda missed my parents too,but we're all busy with school and business and have no lots of time to bond together..

I can tell that they really happy to see their daughter gonna spend another time with them and I can feel that they are really happy that I came and they welcomed me..

A good family too have in the future..

WAIT..What am I saying..I'm sure she doesn't like to have me as his boyfriend and even a husband in the future..

She says that she doesn't want to have a boyfriend that she's also working for him and to his company..

I don't know what to respond to this feeling and how can I make her to be mine..


"What's bothering you?"Mr.(L/n) asked.

"Uh..N-Nothing Mr.(L/n).."I said.

"If I may say this.."He said.

"What is it?"I asked.

"I can say that you like my daughter."He said while doing a tease face.

"U-Uh..W-What do you mean Mr.(L/n)?"I asked.

"Do you like my daughter?..I wanted to know the truth young man.."He said.

"Y-Yes..P-Please don't tell her now.."I said while scratching the back of his head.

"I won't son.."He said having his teasing face again..

"S-Son?!!"I said.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..I'm just kidding before you ask for the hand of my daughter you need to have my test.."He said.

"T-Test?..."I asked.

"Yes i'll tell you what is it by tomorrow.."He said.

"A-All right.."I said.

"Your car is awesome.."He said.

He didn't even shouted that my car is very expensive..

Another qualities I like of having a father in law..

"Thank you Mr.(L/n).."I thanked.

"It's nothing now let's get these and head back.."He said and I nod.


I can't believe I accept his condition..

Now I have to bake him some cupcakes and cookies tomorrow after breakfast.. 

"(Y/n) can you get some wheat at the back?"Mom asked.

"Sure mom.."I said.

I took 5 wheats..


Wait isn't that?!...

MY BOSS SECRETLY WANTS ME?!!Where stories live. Discover now