Chapter 4

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After the driver,drove the road and now we are in the gate of Sir Jungkook's big mansion.

It's really big..I wonder how many guest rooms he have?..Bathrooms??..And if he has a secret room or even an underground!?..

"Let's step outside now,(Y/n).."He said

Did he just spoke my name?!! wihout the 'Ms.' thing?!..

"I see that your a bit surprise or shocked because I called you by your name..When we are here in my house you don't need to call me Sir Jungkook but Jungkook and I will call you by your first name without the 'Ms.'.."He said and I just nod.

There was a butler that get my suitcases and went them somewhere..Probably where I stay...

Hmm...It's so silence where are his maids,anyways?..

"If your thinking maids..I don't let them be here..They are in the other lot near here there are houses and I let them live there for being my maids and i'll just call them if I need them to clean something or my room."He said.

"Do you have a library room here..J-Jungkook?"I asked.

"Yes..Double library room and also I have a gaming room."He said.

"Woah.."I said.

"You can play there but in the weekends only.."He said.

"Anyways..How about the salary?..B-Because I need them on next week for the tuition fee and the bills.."I said.

"Let's have a sit first.."He said and I followed.


The room was filled with fancy things and furnitures even the decorations and he has a huge painting..

"It's beautiful.."

"I know your gonna like it.."He said and we both sat across each other..

"So you wanna talk about your job and especially the salary?"He asked.

"Yes..J-Jungkook."I said.

"You don't have to stutter when you say my name.."He said.

A butler came and serve as some tea and a piece of cake and some cupcakes..

"I'm just not comfortable already..B-But don't worry i'll get used to it.."I said.

"All right.."He said and take a sip of tea.

"About your job as being my personal assistant..You already know some of it like doing my paper works,Assigning my meetings and schedules,preparing for my breakfast,lunch and dinner especially my snacks..also to prepare my clothes and more...Your salary every week would be $ 10,000 dollars..Because I know your job well very busy for you and you'll get exhausted..Your break days are only weekends.."He said.

"My salary is kind of big?.."I said.

"How about 1 dollar?"He chuckled.

"Eh..I think i'll just go with the $10,000 dollars.."I said.

"I have to tell you the rules when you live in my house.."He said and I nod.

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