Chapter 12

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Mom and I went to the market and started to buy some ingredients,meat and some fresh for our lunch and dinner..

"(Y/n)..Can you get some tomato sauce over there?"Mom asked.

"Yeah,sure.."I said.

'They have hot tomato sauce,maustard,ketchup and original tomato sauce..'

'I wonder what will dad is doing on with Jungkook now.'


I grab the tomato sauce and went back to mom.

"Here is it."I said and give it to her.

"You seem thinking of something?..Mind telling me?"She said.

"I was thinking what is going on with dad and Jungkook.."I said.

"Don't worry (Y/n)..Jungkook will be fine."She said and I only smile.

After mom grab the ingredients,meat and some fish we headed to the cashier to pay.

"That will be all $250 dollars.."The cashier said.

"Here."Mom said and give the money to the cashier.

'A cute bracelet..'

"Excuse me..How much is that bracelet?"I asked.

"It's only $70 dollar including putting a name on it.."She said.

"I'll take it.."I said and give the money.

"What name should I put?"She asked.

"Jungkook.."I said and she nods.

"You're going to give him that bracelet?"Mom asked.

"Yeah.."I said and she chuckled.

"It's like the old times I did to your father.."She said.

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"I give him a bracelet too with his name and that's the first day he started to love me.."She said.

"He told you?"I asked and she nods.

"Maybe that guy likes you.."She said.

"W-What?!..Mom no..He is my boss and I don't like having a boyfriend while working at him.."I said.

"Why?..Because he's family will look down on you?..And you came from the family of farmers?"She asked.

"No,not like that..I just don't like it.."I said.

"Can you tell me why?"She asked.

"It's because..I don't want him to be laugh by his friends because i'm working on him and besides i'm his personal assistant..And what if they are just gonna say I was seducing him and using him for his money?.."I said looking down.

"Don't be scared and be afraid because that ain't true,right?"The cashier spoke.

"That's not true..I'm not seducing him and i'm not using him just for money.."I said.

"Then you shouldn't be afraid or scared.."The cashier said and give me the bracelet.

"Thanks.."I said.

"Be yourself and prove them,dear.."The cashier said and I smiled.

"What the cashier said is true.."Mom said.

"I just have to be myself and prove it to them.."I said and mom nods.

"That's the spirit!"Mom shouted.

MY BOSS SECRETLY WANTS ME?!!Where stories live. Discover now