Chapter 32

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"Where is she?"I asked the butler while holding a flower of bouquet from my hand.

"I'm sorry to say,sir..But she's not here she went somewhere without saying anything to us."He said and I sighted.

"I see..Well can I use the kitchen to prepare something for her?"I asked and he nods.

"Precisely.."He said and escort me to the kitchen.

"Do you need anything,sir?"He asked and I shake my head.

"You can do your things I'll be taking myself in the kitchen."I said and he nods.

"Just call me if you needed something that you can't find or do,sir."He said and I nod before he walks away.

I put down the flower bouquet at the counter and went for his cabinet under and found a flower pot I went out to her garden ask some garderners if they can put some soil inside the flower pot and went back to the kitchen with the flower pot I take some clean towels to clean the surroundings of the flower pot before taking out all of the wrappers from the bouquet and put the flower on the flower pot and put it in the center of the table.

I opened the fridge and saw some ingredients to make I decided to cook some pancakes for her if she comes back before I leave..I quickly take the pancake flour,eggs and some baking powder.

I turned on the stove and put the pan above it before starting to cook some pancakes.


I finally done cooking the pancakes for her and put it in neat and clean plate and first put the table rug for the plate and also the small knife together with the fork before putting the plate with pancakes down the table and I take out the blueberry syrup which is her favourite flavor for the pancake and I decided to blend some banana shake.

I take out the milk,ice cubes prepare the blender and slice the bananas.

After I done blending I pour the banana shake on a large plastic cup and washed my hands before cleaning the kitchen utensils I used and I write some sticky notes and put it near the plate before calling the butler out again.

"Are you heading off now,sir?"He asked and I nod.

"Yeah,I am..Tell her I went here and prepare something for her and if she don't eat it any of you here can eat what I prepared."I said and he nods.

"Here's your coat,sir let me put it into you."He said and I nod.

"Thank you."I thanked him as he nods.

"Safe driving,sir."He said and I nod I was about to leave when the front door opens revealing Kimberly.

"Madame..Welcome home."The butler greeted.

"Leave this room.."Kimberly said and the butler leaves.

"What are you doing here."She said.

"I just came here for you,but you weren't here so I prepared something for you it's in the kitchen it's either you eat it or let the others eat it..I'll be heading off now."I said and I was about to leave when she blocked the front door.

"What are you doing here again and again,anyways..Did I told you not to come here anymore."She said and I sighted.

"Like what I told you even I'm in your house you can't stop me from visiting you."I said.

"I'll tell you some real talk and you'll give me the other one..Right here,Right now tell me the truth..Why are you even doing here again?"She said.

"You really wanted to know..Fine I'll give you some real talk..You wanna know why I'm even doing here again..It's because my feelings went back for you that's why I'm always here to visit you even you pushed me away."I said but she just laugh.

"That's funny feelings of yours..I thought you liked (Y/n)..And now you're telling me this stuffs..Don't make yourself a bait for them."She said and I laughed as what she did to me.

"You also have a funny thought tho..I didn't make myself bait for them..You just don't see and don't realise why I'm still visiting you here..It's because my feelings went back."I said.

"Oh! Really?!..Then I tell you right now that stop that f*cking feelings of yours for me."She said.

"And why can you just even let me went there again."I said.

"Why would I let you went back there again? If I didn't even loved you even an inch."She said.

"You're really obsessed with him,don't you?!"I said.

"Didn't I told you?! It's not obsession! It's love!"She shouted.

"Love?! You call that love when your hurting those people he loved?!"I shouted as she slapped me.

The impact of the slap wasn't hurt but what my heart felt was 5 times hurtful than before..The slap's sound was echoing the room..I know that the other employers could hear that near in this room.

"Can you stop stop and leave me alone! Let me do my businesses!"She shouted.

"You really need a therapist."I said as I shoved her out of the way opened the front door and slammed it closed before hoping in to my car and drive away.


"I'm going for a meeting..I'll be home later."I said as I headed my way to the mall.


"That's all for this meeting..So you're all dismissed..Let's continue this until the end of the month is done..Good job team."I said and they thanked me before leaving the room.

I went to my office and do some paper works before arranging them back and get my coat closing the office before heading down.


"Yeah,what's up?"

"I'm having a meeting with my dad tonight I'll be going home late than you."

"That's fine..Just be careful and drive home safely back,okay?"

"I will..You too I love you (Y/n)."

"I love you too Jungkook..Bye."



"Are you leaving now,Ma'am?"My secretary asked as I nod.

"But ma'am..Someone is here and wanted to talk to you."She said.

"Who?"I asked she was about to spoke when a voice behind me spoke.

"Can I talk with you (Y/n)..?"

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