Chapter 3

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"We're here,Sir Jeon.."The driver said.

"Sir Jungkook..Were already here."I whispered it to him while tapping his shoulder.

"Oh..Let's go.."Sir.Jungkook said and we went inside.

"Do you need a table,Sir?"A waiter asked.

"No,thank you..Where is the table of Kim Taehyung?"He asked.

"This way,Sir.."He said and led us the way.

"It's been a long week for me,Hyung.."Mr.Kim Taehyung said and they both tapped their back.

They also know each other?!!..How many hyungs,Sir Jungkook have?!!..Are they real his siblings or they just keep saying hyung each other?..

"Have a sit.."Mr.Taehyung said and we sat.

"What proposal do you have for us,Taehyung?"Sir Jungkook asked.

"Our proposal..We wanted to have a share stock to your company.."He said.

"Deal."Sir Jungkook said.


"Thank you,Jungkook."Mr.Taehyung said and give a paper to Sir.Jungkook.

"Give it to her,she'll be the one to sign it because she's now my new personal assistant."He said and Mr.Taehyung give it to me.

"What happened from your previous personal assistant?"He asked.

"She's having no fun of being around me..So I fired her.."Sir Jungkook said and take a sip from his latte.

"I see...What is your name miss?"He asked.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n),Sir Taehyung."I replied.

"Call me Taehyung..Your permitted."He said and smiled.

"Oh o-okay..T-Taehyung.."I said.

"Let's eat.."Sir Jungkook said and we all begin to eat.

"That was delicious aren't it,(Y/n)?"Taehyung asked.

"Y-Yes it is..They have a good quality of their foods especially the desserts."I said.

"I see you have a sweet taste for desserts.."He said.

"Yes,I have.."I said and smiled.

"Then you must really meet,Hyung Jin."He said.

Hyung Jin?..

"He's our other friend we treated each other as real siblings..And are you guys perhaps were going to visit the orphanage that handled by J-Hope?"He said.

"Do you mean,Sir Hoseok?"I asked.

"Yes..You'll be really having a fun time around him,his really a cheerful one among us."He said.

"If I may ask,Taehyung..How many are you guys?"I asked.

"We're in all 7.."He said.

"Oh..So,Sir Jungkook,You,Namjoon,Sir Hoseok and the others?"I asked.

"Exactly.."He said.

"Do you have anything to ask,Taehyung?"Sir. Jungkook asked.

"No,anyways..It was nice seeing you again Jungkook and you too (Y/n)..I have to go now see you next time.."He said and walked off.

"Do you want to go somewhere before we went to the orphanage?"He asked.

"Uh,I don't know Sir Jungkook."I said.

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