Chapter 18

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"I've already booked us a table tonight at the Eiffel Tower."I said.

"I'm so excited~!"Kimberly exclaimed.

'She's always cute and cheerful..One of the reason why I like her..'

'But i'm still curious to (Y/n)..She's kinda remind me of someone that I know..But,I can't remember it anymore..'

"I-I'm done.."(Y/n) said.

"I guess i'm also done too..Since we have free time today..Do you want to have a challenge everyone?"Kimberly said.

"What kind of?"I asked.

"Exchanging a man for an hour and then when the nights come it'll end."Kimberly said.


Jungkook then suddenly take a water and drink it up..

"What are you up to?"Jungkook said.

'Up too..?'

"Nothing..I just wanna do something since we're all free.."Kimberly said.

"I'm on it.."I said.

"How about you (Y/n)?"Kimberly asked.

"If everyone is comfortable then I'm on..And it seems i'm just going to know Mr.Andriel.."(Y/n) said and looked at me and then I smiled.

"Are you sure?"Jungkook asked and (Y/n) nods.


After we ate our breakfast and get ready we separated ways I was with (Y/n) now at the mall.

"Do you wanna buy something?..Clothes,shoes anything?"I asked.

"No..Actually I don't like shopping at all time since I have some clothes left and i'm no hungry at all..'She said.

'I though girls always does shopping..But she seems different..?'

"Don't be shy (Y/n)..Just tell me what you need or point at something then i'll buy it no need to worry about the payments i'll be the one to pay."I said.

"I'm really sorry Mr.Andriel..But i'm not into it.."She said.

"No need to be formal just call me Andriel instead."I said and she nods.

"But I do wanna know about you.."She said.

"Me?"I asked and she nods.

"Yes..We can tell more about ourselves you know get to know more about each other and maybe we become friends."She said.

"Sound cool with me and nothing harm."I said.

I suggest that we went into a cafè and she agreed.

'I only order a caffucino and she order a latte..'

"So..Where should we start?"I asked.

"Introducing ourselves first..Like some normal days back at high school.."She said.

"Well..I'm Andriel Park and i'm a business man i'm already 22 years old and it's nice to meet you (Y/n)."I said.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Andriel Park..And i'm currently working at me b-boyfriend's company Jungkook as his secretary and i'm 19 years old."She said.

"You're really young.."I said.

"Y-Yeah..Kimberly is 20,Your 22 and Jungkook is 21.."She said.

(At this story Jungkook is 21 years old not in his current age this year..)

"Why do you even like him?"I asked.

"Well..He's nice and kind of funny..There's much more I love about him."She said.

"I see..I fell the same way as Kimberly..Did you even know that they're ex's?"I asked.

"Y-Yeah..Jungkook told me before the night of your engagement party."She said.

"Well..It seems the clock isn't ticking fast..Do you wanna do something?"I asked.

"Yeah there is.."

"This seems to be funny but we'll be having fun..How about we play arcade?"She asked.


(Y/n) and I are really having fun at the arcade it's been half an hour since we started playing here..

We play mario cart,Dance Dance Revolution,Claw machine and more..

"Come on you gotta try your basketball skills to this Andriel."She said while grabbing my arm.

"Aren't you tired?"I asked.

"Of course no!..This is fun I haven't played arcade since I turn 19."She said.

"When did you last play arcade,anyway?"I asked.

"When I was still 17 years old.."She said.

"Then why'd you stop?"I asked.

She didn't answer but start pulling me ahead to the basketball throw machine..

"Come on you gotta play this!..And win me something!"She said.

'She seems having fun and she even didn't answer my question..Seems she's uncomfortable explaining it..I will not force her..'

"And what can I get when I win you something?"I asked.

"Anything you want.."She said.

"Really?..Then..Prepare yourself to be embarrassed after this.."I grin.

"Then do it!"She said.

I started playing the machine and my shoots were continue to shot..


"There I won you a big teddy bear..So do you wanna know what I wanted to do with you?"I said.

"Yeah,sure..What do you want?"She asked.

"Follow me.."I said and we started walking.

'This is gonna be fun..'


"No way i'm gonna wear this!"She said.

"Well you told me anything I want since I get you a big teddy bear."I said.

"I'm wearing a maid cloth with above the knee skirt and you want me to tell a random stranger 'Master' with a sexy voice tone?!"She said.


"I'm going to kill you after this."She said pouting.

"Make me.."She said.

She then walk towards me..

"Gladly~"She said.

Her face was close to me..Our faces were inch apart..

'Why does my heart is so beating fast..?'

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