Chapter 8

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4:30 am

It was completely early in the morning and I woke up,crawl out of my bed headed to the bathroom and do my routine and quickly went to Jungkook's closet to get ready for his clothes today on his job.


His closet was just like the size of my room in my apartment..

"His clothes must be expensive since he's really rich.."I mumbled.

"I wonder what other things he had in his whole house.."I sighted.

I started to grab a black turtle neck with a black leather suit and matching with a black neck tie and a white shoe..

Eh..I'm not really good at doing fashion..

After I prepared his clothes and I went to the kitchen and prepared a breakfast for him..


The sun hit my face as I growl and crawl out of bed..

"Ugh..Great it's now already wednesday and then weekends..I can finally relax.."I sighted and headed to the bathroom.

As I turn on the shower..I felt something heat in my body..

I don't know why..But it feels kinda nice and weird at the same time..

Ugh..I shouldn't think like this now!..I have some papers to do and some works for today!!..

"I also wonder..last night I said that she's slowly driving me crazy..Then that means i'm slowly falling in love with her?!"

"Ugh!!!..If it really is..I-I should take her in this weekends on a friendly hang out..I guess?.."


Jungkook and (Y/n) are just having normal days in their job do some paperworks,meetings and other stuffs they have to do..

Jungkook's focus was completely sliced into half focusing on the job and on the other hand he's feelings for his personal assistant (Y/n) to decide whether he ask her on a hang out or not..

(Y/n) in the other hand was completely exhausted by the work she got on for the day and didn't even take focus on what her boss said..


What another tiring day...

I wanna sleep already and I can't take a food to eat tonight anymore because of my exhaustion..

"Ahemmm!!..(Y/n)?!"Jungkook called out..

"Oh yes Jungkook?!"I said.

"What are you thinking aren't you listening to me?"He asked.

"Sorry Jungkook I'm kinda exhausted and want to get sleep immedeatly after we drove their in your house.."I said.

"I can see it tho as what I was saying will you come with me?"He asked.

"Come for what?,where? and when?"I asked.

"I want you to come with me in this weekends in a trip to france."He said.

"That's good I'd like to come,but I don't know if I have the weekends with you Jungkook.."I said.

"Why?.."He said kinda disappointed.

"Sometimes in weekends I spent with my family to come and visit them and even help them with our small farm.."I said.

"Then i'll just go there with you.."He said.

"But Jungkook!..You know it's very hot there and you'll just get exhaustion every single minute!"I defend.

"That's why I want to get to know more about you even I have to work in your farm.."He said.

"Uh...Get to to know more about me? why is that?"I asked.

"I just wanted to know more about my personal assistant and I wanted to be friends with you tho..That's all.."He said.

"I think there's nothing wrong with it,but if you change your mind Jungkook that will be okay.."I said.

"No my schedule for this weekends is to come with you.."He said and smiled.

What's with the mood of Jungkoook today? did he suddenly eat something that makes him sweet and to smile like that?..

"All right Jungkook.."I said.


The both male and female were completely ready with their stuffs and other things for the location there going too..

6 suitcase and with some bags were with them and they drove off to their location using a lambourghini..


"To be honest Jungkook I kinda feel excited and nervous at the same time.."I said while scratching the back of my neck..

"Why?.."He asked.

"Because I don't know how to explain it to you and to react and to help you if you get a problem with the hotness in our farm.."I said.

"Don't overthink about that (Y/n)..I can deal with it I have been in a farm in Taehyung's farm a few years ago.."He said and smiled.

"Oh..I think that's a good thing to hear.."I said and smiled at him.

"So you don't have to worry..Anyways what are we doing in there except for taking care of it?"He asked.

"Well I can show you to my little hiding spot.."I chuckled.

"I see..You have a hidden place.."He said and chuckled.

"Yeah..Let's go there when the sun is finally down because that spot is gonna be wonderful at night."I said.

"Seems interesting.."He said.

"Oh I forgot!!"I shouted.

"You forgot what?"He asked.

"I forgot to.."

"I forgot to tell my family why are you with me and what is your relationship with me excluding being my boss.."

"Oh..This is a problem.."

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