Chapter 33

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It was awkward and silent for the both of us..

"So..What do you want to talk about?"I asked.

"Umm..It's all about the bad things I make you to suffer and to your brother."She said.

"So it was really you! How could you do that to my brother?!"I said trying to calm my self down.

"I'm really sorry I didn't mean to do that..I'm really must out of my mind why did I do that to him..I'm really sorry I felt guilty whenever Andriel talked about that to me."She said.

"So Andriel visited you?! Are you guys really dealing with us?!"I said.

"No..Andriel isn't doing anything bad to you in fact that he's helping you guys..And he was right I suppose.."She said.

"And why now,Kimberly?..Why now?"I said.

"I'm must say I'm out of my mind when I saw you with Jungkook starting from that night at the engagement party.."She said.

"Are you saying that it's my fault that I went with him?"I said and she shake her head.

"No..I should really move on earlier after knowing that he's into you before this marriage of yours had with him..Maybe I was love struck to him after all..I couldn't see Andriel as being him,but I saw Jungkook whenever I'm lonely.."She said.

"You really need a therapy session.."I said.

"You and Andriel were right..I really must."She said.

"What..?!"I said and almost chocked.

"You hear me (Y/n)..I should somehow visit a psychiatrist for a therapy session if I have any mental disorder or something.."She said.

"Maybe you should..I mean if you wanted to change and turn away to your wicked ways..You can find your right path..And somehow I had this feeling that Andriel still care and loves you.."I said and she looked at me.

"What..?..Like a friend you mean."She said and I shake my head.

"I know that your wedding has cancelled and everything back in France,but for him staying for us with a month that he went here..He must fall in love with another woman but I sometimes saw or heard him saying your name.."I said.

"Are you sure about that?"She said.

"His moves are easy to read..He really still cares and loves you..How about you,Kimberly? Do you feel the same way to him as what he feels towards you?"I asked but she just looked down and sighted.

"I don't know..And I don't know if I could keep my words what just I told you..I have this feeling that tells me I might be gone crazy for Jungkook.."She said.

"I think you do have,but you aren't still gone crazy because if you are..You should've killed me from the start or even killed my brother right away..But of course my brother is okay and I'm glad about it now that you didn't do something really that I cannot hesitate to kill you.."I said.

"Yeah,You're right.."She said.

"But if you really felt guilty you must turn away with your wicked ways and find yourself again..The real Kimberly that Andriel meets."I said.

"The real me?..What do you mean?"She asked.

"You know sometimes us people..Might found ourselves by the help of the mirror seeing our reflections but there is also different meaning about finding yourself again..I mean you must think what you really wanted not just for yourself but for the good of other peoples..But of course at the end of the day you should choose to think for yourself and not for the others..Because you're the only one who can find yourself again."I said.

"Woah..I cannot even doubt why Jungkook loves you and become his fiancé.."She said.

"Well..Do you have anything to say?"I asked.

"Are you not mad? Are you just gonna forgive me that's easily? I thought you're going to slap me or something."She said.

"I really wanted too,But I found myself not to do that to you since I still felt pity towards you..And I'm also mad to you but I don't want to show it right away neither to act carelessly..I'm a woman with a word what I said is truth and it would be happening if I wanted too..I also wanted to slap you but I think I want you to find yourself first and realise things after you did that you just felt that you get slapped by that realisation."I said and stand up.

"You can freely to talk to me at my office tomorrow..But don't come everyday because I might be gonna do something to you that I don't wanted..I'm just here for an old friend of you back then..But the story wouldn't change after all what happened what you did to me and to my brother.."I said.

"I understand..I'm sorry if I bother you."She said and I shake my head.

"You didn't bother me..It's nice talking with you with the conversation we had..I'm looking forward for you to change..Because I know you can do it Kimberly..Take care I'm going now."I said and leave her on the cafe and headed my way to the parking lot.


I opened my front door of my car and head inside and I put the key and started the engine.

"You really started to change,don't you Kimberly..But if that really is I'm happy then for you.."I smiled as what I said and drove away.

"I hope you found your happily ever after.."

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