Chapter 26

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In the blink of an eye 2 years had passed..


Its been 2 and half years now that Jungkook and I get married..We haven't planning about our honeymoon and to create our own family,but..We're currently taking it slow as what I've said to him which he agreed..I wasn't working at his company or for him anymore but I raised my own mall with also Jungkook's support.

"Mrs.President..We have an emergency."My Assistant Mia said.

"What is it?"I asked.

"We have a special guest coming and wanted to visit our mall and she wanted to rate our mall."She said.

"I see..Then tell her we're expecting her presence at 7 pm sharp..And reserve a table to the restaurant inside and also make sure all around are clean..I'll be dealing with her later."I said and she nods before leaving.

'Another special guest,huh..'

~AFTER~ ( 7PM)

All of the salesman and saleslady and I where currently standing and waiting for the special guest to arrive and I was holding a small shopping bag a gift for the guest inside of it was an expensive perfume.

"The special guest has arrived."Mia whispered to my ear and my gaze quickly went to the black car until it stopped.

The door opened by the help of the driver and the special guest which is a female went out..She was stunning and beautiful she was wearing a hazel sunglasses and a beautiful above the knee crimson dress that sparkles with a match pair type of also crimson high heels.

"So you're the president? I didn't expect you to reach this kind of rank after marrying my beloved ex-boyfriend."She said and I give her the gift which she takes it.

"Excuse me?"I pardon and she chuckled before taking off her sunglasses.

"K-Kimberly?!"I said and she nods before swaying her hair around.

"Glad you still remember my name tho..How's your life doing? In a life that got married by a billionaire like Jeon Jungkook."She said and I chuckled a bit.

"If you're just here to talk about that don't embarass of yourself by a wrong doubt."I said.

"Don't feel guilty..I was messing around with you (Y/n)..Business and personal life are different..For now let's just focus on the business."She said.

"All right..If you're really done with some useless wrong doubt let's get down to business."I said and she just chuckled before we started.

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