Chapter 7

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(Y/n) And I went home after coming to Kimberly's engagement party..

I can say from (Y/n)'s face that she's really happy to go there and to be friend with Kimberly and she really act cools when Kimberly bring the topic about me especailly in our fake 'relationship'...

I'm so happy for this night not just she act cool,but she's really beautiful..The way she talk,smile,laughs...

Wait!..What am I saying?!..I shouldn't say this things to her she's just my personal assistant and our 'relationship is just an act'!..I shouldn't fall for her..

But whenever she's so close to me,I feel some butterflies in my stomach..

Ugh!..I really should get over with this!


"I should take this off and give it to you back,Jungkook.."She said.

"No...I mean keep it for yourself it's your reward for coming with me tonight and being my fake 'girlfriend'.."I said.

Please just keep it..I don't wanna argue with some useless things..

"Okay,if you say so..Well thank you for this.."She said and smiled.

"Yeah..I'm heading to my room now.."I said.

"Before that..Is there any papers i'm working on?"She asked.

"Yeah..I forgot it's in my room..Come with me.."I said.


I followed Jungkook to his room as what he said..


"They are in that table.."He said while pointing at the table.

"All right.."I said and take all of the papers from the table.

The papers seems a bit big weight this time..

Maybe i'm just exhausted or something..


Oh God!..I just yawn..It's so embarrassing..

"Pffttt..Don't be embarrassed in front of me..You seem tired go get some rest and just do the papers tomorrow after,but you'll get doubled works.."He said.

"Uh..No..I can do this paper works..I think i'm just h-hungry.."I lied.

"For me seems your pretty exhausted and needed rest.."He said.

"No sir..I need to do this because it's my job."I said.

"I insist..I'll just do the paper works since i'm not tired at all."He said.

"What?!..No sir!..It's unforgivable for me if you do it instead of your assistant!"I said.

"Look at your face..PFTTTTT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA."He said while laughing.

"What's with my f-face?"I asked.

"Whenever you get mad or upset or even shocked i-it makes me wanna laugh and smile..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..Because your cute..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.."He said.

"C-Cute?!"I said in shocked.

Jungkook thinks i'm cute ?!..whenever i'm mad,upset or even shocked?!...Andwae!

"I-I mean..Your not just the only person who looks c-cute whenever your mad,upset or shocked.."He said while scratching the back of his head.

"I understand..You don't have to worry Jungkook.."I said.

Phew!..I though something more than that..Lucky me..I don't wanna have a boyfriend and at the same time he's my boss..But I guess for everyone else He's my boyfriend and boss at the same time after this night...

"So would you take the offer?..Get some rest and i'll just do the papers?"He said.

"Uh..I don't really think that's a good offer for the both us.."I said.

"But like what I said I insist,so..I asked you do you want to take the offer 'cause i'm okay with it."He said.

"I guess you do have a point Jungkook,but it's really my job.."I said.

"If you say so..."He said and I take the papers and went to my room.


35 minutes have passed and I have only 5 paper works to do..


"You can do this (Y/n).."I said to myself.

It was already 10:45 pm in night..

I read the papers and sign it and some of it I didn't signed and just put some other place..


"Finally done~!"I exclaimed and hop off to bed.

I didn't even take off the sleepers and put blankets on me since i'm really tired and my eyes are gonna shut down any seconds..


I still couldn't sleep because I can't get off my mind about (Y/n)...

Is she asleep now?..Did she really did all of the paper works?..

It was now 11:00 pm..

"I'm so unbelievable..I'll just look at her if she's asleep or still working with the papers.."I sighted and get up.


I open the door and look at the table..

The papers are already done and we'll neat and clean..

But she's not sleeping in a comfortable position..

I decided to pick her up and put her in a straight position,take off her sleepers and put some blanket on her..


Anwae!!..S-She's HUGGING MEEE!!!!

"My teddy bear.."She whispered.


"Let go off me (Y/n)..I'm not your teddy bear this is Jungkook.."I said.

"Be quite my teddy bear they are gonna find us.."She whispered.

"Who are they?"I asked.

"The monsters..Let's hide and don't worry i'll protect you.."She whispered.

Pffttt..Cute..She thinks i'm her teddy bear..What a little kid you are..

After a few minutes I took his hands off of me and get back to my room..

Agh...What a cute little kid..

"Why are you slowly driving me crazy (Y/n)..."I whispered and closed my eyes and fell into a slumber..

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