Chapter 21

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'Where did that damn Andriel brought (Y/n)?!!'

"You can go now and leave the both of us here.."Kimberly said then the butlers and maids followed.

"You shouldn't be outbursting your feelings."Kimberly said.

"Whatever.."I sighted and went to the window.

"You know..It's good that the both of them went away and just leave the both of us here.."She whispered to my ears and hugged my waist but I brush it off.

"Don't touch me..I have and I love my girlfriend!"I said and she chuckled.

"Your girlfriend,really?..How about I say that I know your little game..Hmm?"She said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"What do I mean?..Wow!..I thought you know already since it's your game!..But oh well..I know that you and that damn woman isn't dating for real..Your just using her to move on from me.."She said.

"That's from the past and I do really love her now."I said.

"Love,love,love..Really?..Then why are you using her towards me?..When you have me now all to yourself."She whispered and I step back from her.

"Stop with your dirty games."I said and she just laughed.

"I really love the moment when it's just you and me in a room.."She said.


"Are you feeling alright now?"I asked (Y/n).

"Not yet,but I have to.."She said.

"Why are we in here again?..Jungkook is gonna be worried about you and will suspect me..But don't mind me I wanted to accompany you since I saw you and decided to help you out."I said.

"I just remembered some boring things.."She said.

"Don't lie to me.."I said.

"I'm really being serious.."Shse chuckled.

"Your face doesn't tells you that."I said and she look at me.

"Aww..You caught me."She said and I sighted.

"Why were you crying,anyways?"I asked but she didn't respond.

"Are you and Jungkook fight?"I asked and she shake her head.

"Well you believe me if I tell you?"She said.

"Let me hear it.."I said and she shakes her head.

"Maybe next time..I've drink enough let's just go home.."She stands up and she gonna fall but I ran up to her and catch her before she could hit the ground.

"Be careful!"I said but she was already asleep.

'I wonder what makes her cry?'


"I'm just going to ask her tomorrow if she's ready to open up..'


With that I carried her princess style and put her inside the car.

I then went the other side of the car and put her seatbelt on.

"D-Don't..L-Leave me.."With that she back to sleep.

Her hair was covering her face because of the car's window was open and I quickly closed it and brush her hair each side of it not leaving any hair in her face..

And then it's suddenly hits my face..I was blushing..

"Beautiful.."I whispered.

Her face was in a diamond shape her nose was pointed she has double eyelids and they were long her cheeks were pink the same color with her lips..

'Stop it Andriel!'

"I-I have a girlfriend..I shouldn't think this kind of way towards my grilfriends's friend girlfriend.."I sighted and start to drive.


I was currently at our room (Yours and Jungkook's room) waiting for (Y/n)..

It's almost midnight and yet they didn't come home yet.

"Oh my goodness!!..What happened to her hun?!"I heard Kimberly and I quickly went out.

"She got drunk."Andriel said and I was about to punch him when Kimberly push me away.

"I know that this is going to happen,but it's not my fault after all neither to (Y/n)..It was all your fault Jungkook.."He said glaring at me.

"And why would it be me?!"I raised my voice.

"Guys,guys don't fight."Kimberly said.

"I'm not letting (Y/n) sleep with you tonight until she's fine with you again."He said.

"She's my girlfriend!"I defend.

"Your girlfriend but you can't even take good care of her."He said.

"Then your saying she should be yours?!"I shouted and I saw kimberly was smirking.

"I'm not saying like that Jungkook..We'll be discussing it tomorrow when (Y/n) wakes up..For now i'm going to take care of her with some maids."With that he carries (Y/n) with some maids following them leaving Kimberly and I at the living room.

"How desperate.."She chuckled.

"Shut it.."I said and leave her.



I carried (Y/n) on the way to the room at the end of the hallway with some maids following us.

One of the maid open the door and I put her gently in bed.

"Is there anything you wanted to us to do?"The maids asked.

"Can you get me some of my clothes and bucket of cold water with a towel and some food and water in case if she awakes and gets hungry."I said and they nod their heads.

5 minutes later

The maids come back with the things that I requested on them.

"Here are your clothes and the other things you requested,Sir Andriel."They said.

"Thank you..You may take your leave and rest well."I said and they followed.


"Why did I even suggested to take care of you instead of your boyfriend?.."

"There's no turning back and i'll just take responsibility of you.."

I then put the towel inside the bucket with cold water and squeezes it and applied it to her forhead.


'It's a good sign that she can feel the cold water..'

I then continue to put the towel on her forhead and decided to take off her heavy clothes,her heels and some of her accessories.

"I'm not taking advantage of you (Y/n) if you wake up suddenly..I've just taken off those heavy things to your body so you wouldn't get uncomfortable sleeping.."

I then continue to take care of her until the sun rises..

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