Chapter 20

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I'm really starting to get mad.

'Aren't they a cute couple together? If (Y/n) was going to end up to Andriel if we both didn't broke up wouldn't it be kind of happy?'

'I hated to admit it but Kimberly was right they're both cute and happy at the same time together..But i'm not going to agree that she's right if we didn't broke up..'

'I was sad back then when the two of us broke up and then I was beginning to be happy back when I met and starting to develop some feelings to (Y/n)..'

We we're currently in Andriel's limo..(Y/n) sat beside me and Andriel sat across with us beside in his was Kimberly.

"This night will going to be exciting and romantic,aren't i'm right (Y/n)?"Kimberly said putting a smile on her face.

'Fake smile..'

'I know what you're trying to do Kimberly just from the beginning at that night where you invited me and I brought (Y/n) that night..'

"Y-Yeah."(Y/n) said.

"Hun,did you have fun with (Y/n) of the challenge?"Kimberly asked.

"Well,it's fun being around with (Y/n) and we get to know more about each other."Andriel said.

"I agree with Andriel."(Y/n) said.

"Oh,I see..Well my time with Jungkook was really fun we to know more each other than ever and kind of have some arguements.."Kimberly said while looking down.

"How come?"(Y/n) asked.

'You shouldn't have asked about that..'

"Well you see earlier I was showing Jungkook a picture and I can't really tell you what kind of it I was saying the truth but he was really silent and no comment at all.."Kimberly said.

"It was just a kind of picture..Why didn't you reply to her?"(Y/n) asked to me.

"It makes me annoy and it was really kind of truth,but still..It doesn't really matched for the other one."I said looking away.

"There,you comment when (Y/n) asked you but why didn't you answer me earlier."Kimberly pouted.

"Stop acting like a childish now Kimberly..We're almost there."Andriel said and Kimberly was kind of shocked I can read it to her face.

'It's my first time hearing something like that to Andriel towards Kimberly..So I assume that it was really the first time calling her a childish which she really receives for acting dumb than mature..'



It's been half an hour that Kimberly and I didn't talk.

'I shouldn't have said that to her..'

(Y/n) and I was here already at the table and still waiting for the two of them to come back from comforting room they had excuse for have been 10 minutes.

"You seem to be worried about her."(Y/n) spoke.

"Y-Yeah..I shouldn't have said that to her earlier."I said.

"You should went to her and talk about it so the two of you wouldn't have an awkward situation later if the both of you are going to sleep."She said.

'I wish we both sleep with each other,but she was just going to visit me at my room and then sleep at the other room..For telling me no reason about it since she's my fiancée and soon to be wife..'

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