Chapter 19

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(Y/n) was currently saying 'I like you' to any stranger that come across to our way..

'This is really funny..Saying 'I like you' to stranger is funny and embarrassing..'

"I-I like you!"(Y/n) exclaimed to another man.

"What the"The man said.

"I-I'm sorry.."(Y/n) said while bowing to the man and then the man nods.

"Okay that's enough."I said and she sighted.

"I thought i'm gonna suffer longer,but..Phew thank God it didn't."She said.

"Let's go buy you some new clothes for you to change."I said.

"N-New clothes?..Where are my clothes,anyway?"She asked.

"I didn't bring them with me maybe the sales lady or stuff from the shop threw it away."I said.

"I didn't bring my phone!"She said.

"Relax..I've got it with me."I said while showing her phone.

"Thank you!"She said and take it away from me.

"Let's head for the shop now."I said and she nods.

"Those are fine you can wear it..But is it comfortable with you?"I asked and she nods.

"How much is it..Miss?"I asked.

"That all will be $500 dollar,sir."The sales lady said.

"W-What..$500 dollars?!"(Y/n) said.

"Here."I said and the sales lady take the money.

"Wanna watch some cinema?"I asked and she nods.

(Y/n) and I went to bought some tickets for today's available movie and the only available movie was 'The Grudge 3' so we take the movie ticket and bought some large popcorn and each other's big gulp..

We're currently sitting inside with each other..

'I hate to admit it but I don't really watch scary movies because it scares the shit out of me..'

"Are you okay?..You seem off."She said.

"I-I'm kind of scared of horror movies."I said.

"Do you want to back off?..And let's just head home?"She asked.


"Y-No...I wanna watch the movie with you..I mean I don't wanna waste the money."I said.

"Oh okay.."She said and focus back to the screen.

'Why didn't I tell her the truth?..What's happening to me?..'

Hi Hun!..Did you and (Y/n)
have a fun time?

To Kimberly:
Yeah,How about yours?

Yeah it's really awesome!
We're much having a fun time with
each other..Just take a look at it.

*Kimberly sent a photo*

To Kimberly:
Seems you're really happy..Can I
call you?

Not this time Hun..We're heading
to the clothe store.

'Why is she having a fun time?..Seems she's really happy around with Jungkook than with me..I'm kind of doubting about her..'

'There is no wrong when I hired someone to spy them..

To Unknown:
Hey Man.

Hey! what's up?

To Unknown:
Can I hire you for spying?

For how long?

To Unknown:
Until I say it.

I'm up to it..How much?

To Unknown:
Every week you're going to
send me some pictures from
Kimberly and Jungkook if they
are with each other and the salary
for a week would be $5,000 dollars.


To Unknown:
I'm looking forward to your job.

"Who are you texting?"(Y/n) suddenly asked.

"Oh..Just a friend..Let's watch now the movie is about to start."I said and she nods.


(Y/n) and I went out from the room after the movie ended we both being awkward not making any conversation only silent atmosphere was with us..

'I shouldn't have done that to her earlier..'

'I should really apologise..'

'I suddenly hugged her left arm without giving her a warning it's because one of the jumpscare of the movie and when I opened my eyes our faces were inch apart our lips almost touched..And I take my arm away from her left arm and that's how it started to have an awkwardness between us..'

"(Y-Y/n).."I called out.

"Yeah..?"She said not looking at me.

"Look..I'm really sorry..I didn't mean to do that at the first place if I known that there was a jumpscare happening I would just look away and never hugged your left arm.."I said.

"I-It's fine Andriel..I-I forgive you.."She said.

"Do you wanna do something or buy?..So I could make it up to you.."I said.

"How about we grab some milk tea?"She said and I nod.


(Y/n) ordered a flavored (f/c) milk tea while I ordered a flavored strawberry one.

"Do you like yours?"(Y/n) asked and I nod.

"Yes it's delicious."I said.

"I thought you didn't like it.."She sighted.

"I guess my thoughts were wrong after all.."I said.

"Do you want to go somewhere?"She asked.

"No,Nothing in particular..How about you?"I said.

"Neither.."She said.

"Then we should go home after this because it's going to be 4:00 pm.."I said and she nods.

We finished drinking our milk tea and (Y/n) even ordered another one.

"It's really delicious.."She said and smiled to me.

"Hey (Y/n)..There's something in your check."I said.

"Oh..Sorry.."She said while rubing her right check.

"No..Here."I said and rub her left cheek.

As I was rubbing her left check I felt a blood rush to my face which causes my face to blush and I look up to her eyes and her (e/c) color orbs where staring at mine..

"Andriel..Could you please step backwards?"She said.

"Oh..Sorry my bad."I said and step backwards from her.

"L-Let's head home.."She said.


"Let's see how Jungkook will react to this."

The female sway her hair around and a grin forms from her lips as if she had won to a competition..

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