Chapter 14

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We were now in the airport of France.

There was 2 men holding a banner '(Y/n) and Jungkook welcome!!'..


"Are you all right?"Jungkook asked.

"Yeah I am..I'm just a bit nervous."I said and he suddenly hold my hand.

"W-What are you d-doing?!"I stuttered trying to let go of my hand from his.

"Don't fight it back (Y/n)..We're having a fake 'relationship' at all..So we must show it."Jungkook said.

"F-Fine.."I sighted and let him hold my hand and we started to walk towards to the 2 men.

"Are you (Y/n) and Jungkook?"The man asked.

"Yes,I am Jeon Jungkook and this is (Y/n) (L/n) my girlfriend are you guys perhaps somehow the two sent here from Kimberly?"Jungkook asked.

"Nope Mr.Andriel sent us here."The man said.

"I see..Where are heading now?"Jungkook asked.

"We're heading to Mr.Andriel's mansion."The other man said and we both nod.

The two men took our cases and we started to follow them from a black limo..

'Mr.Andriel is also rich,huh..'

'I wonder what is his job tho..'

"What are you thinking?"Jungkook asked.

"Nothing.."I said and looked at the outside.

'France is so beautiful..It's just my first time to be here I hope it's going to be memorable and enjoyable..'

'I don't know how to greet Mr.Andriel at all since Kimberly is the one who i'm close with.'

'Should I still call him Mr.Andriel or Andriel? or maybe his last name?...What is his last name anyways..'

'I'll ask just ask it later..How about it's nice to see you again Mr.Andriel/Andriel how are you doing?..'



A head was rested on my shoulder I took a glance and it was Jungkook smiling at me.

"Let me sleep into your shoulder,Darling..And wake me up if we're already there.."He said and I nod.




The word 'Darling' was repeating inside my head..

'Aish!!..Go away! Go away!'


The view was so beautiful as expected to this country..

The houses,trees,the fountains and even the Eiffel Tower was huge and beautiful as ever..

The limo stoped at the huge white gate and it suddenly open then the limo drive in..When the limo stopped 2 butlers were waiting outside the limo.

"Jungkook,Jungkook..Wake up."I said while shaking his shoulder.

"Y-Yeah.."He said.

"We're here."I exclaimed and he get himself ready.

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