Chapter 5

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I can't get over what just happened last night..

I asked her to hug me and then she just quickly hugged me..

I can't really get over with it..I've been lack of sleep,But this one is kinda weird I get lack of sleep because of the hug last night..


"Good morning Jungkook..I preapre a breakfast for you.."(Y/n) said with a smile.

"Did you already eat?"I asked.

"Yes,So have a sit..I'll just head to the garage to bring all your stuffs and make the car ready..Do you perhaps want the driver to drive for you or you'll be the one to drive?"She asked.

"I'll just drive.."I said.

"All right.."She said and went off.

I sat down and look at the breakfast she made..

Bacon,Eggs,Some waffles,Milk and a rice?!..


She's really just worried,I guess..

Since that day I saw her and got watched every single move she makes at the cafe..I've been feeling different towards her..Is it I just have a crush on her?..


I decided to take my day off since I'm not in the mood to work because of my break up with Kimberly..

I still couldn't move on..It's just 2 weeks after she broke up with me..


"Good morning,Sir..What would you like to order?"She asked.

I looked at her (e/c) eyes..She may seems happy in her smile but her eyes could tell she was fully exhausted..

"Uh..Sir?"She called out.

"Oh..I'm sorry I'd like a latte and a piece of chocolate cake..Here is the money.."I said and she nod.

I decided in the area which are not crowded and near in a window..


"Here is it,Sir.."She said while putting down my orders.

"Thank you.."I thanked her and she walked off.

I still staring at her even she doesn't seem to notice that I keep staring at her..

I watched every single move she make..The way she takes the order to the other customers,Receive their payments,and serve it to them..Even the way she smile,blink,and take off her sweat from her forhead..

W-What's wring with me?..Why all of a sudden I felt like i've known her..I don't pity her or something,but..I do feel adore on her..

"Excuse me.."I called out.

"Oh..Yes sir?"She asked.

"May I talk to your manager?"I asked and she seems shocked.

"S-Sir?.."She asked again.

"I wanted to talk to your manager."I said.

"Sir..I'm sorry if I did something wrong please forgive me.."She pleased and I chuckled a bit.

"No..You didn't do anything wrong I wanted to talk to your manager some kind of personal stuff.."I said.

"O-Oh..I'll be calling him first,Sir.."She said and I nod.

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