Chapter 34

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"So today is the day,bro."I looked at Andriel as he half smile to me.

"What makes you kind of half smile to me?"I asked as he sighted and chuckled.

"I'm just kind of nervous if Kimberly is gonna do such thing.."He said.

"Don't worry too much about it..I wonder do you still love her?"I asked.

"Maybe I do..That's why I want her to stop bothering you and (Y/n).."He said.

"Did you tell her this things,yet?"I asked and he nod.

"Yeah..And she seems acting like nothing happened after I tell her that I still love her.."He said.

"Why don't you visit her after this?"I said.

"I don't know..What if I just make myself looking funny to her..And what if dad doesn't like her for me anymore."He said.

"Andriel..People makes mistake sometimes."I said.

"Easy to say,but hard to understand for dad."He said and I chuckled.

"We're his son..I think he'll understand us especially how he understand me marrying (Y/n)."I said.

"I suppose so it goes the same way..But If that really happens I wanted her to be on a therapy session first..I don't want her to feel something weird while we get married..You know."He said and I nod.

'Make her fully yours than she's still thinking that I'll be hers..'

"Anyways..I shouldn't be thinking negative to your wedding with (Y/n)."He said and I nod.

"Let's go now..I'm sure people are waiting at the church this time and sooner (Y/n) will be there..So we could get married."I said and he nods.


We both went out from my car and headed inside the church..

"I'm excited for your married life,Jungkook."

"I'm looking forward to see your beautiful wife."

"May you both live in with happy and love especially with peace."


I headed my way on front along with Andriel and the Father..And then I scanned the area..

The church were well-decorated as what (Y/n) and I planned for..Simple but beautiful..They were (f/c) flowers/Tulips that she likes and a white carpet that I decided and the people that we invited wore black suits and purple dresses..

I glance at my parents and they were smiling and especially (Y/n)'s parents..Her brother was now recovered well he seems grumpy because he was wearing a black suit but he's happy as what he commented when we told him weeks ago.



'This is it..Any seconds the door will be opened revealing herself with her (f/c) wedding dress that she dreamed for..

"This is it brother.."I heard Andriel whispered as I nod.

"Yeah..I'm having a real married life with the woman I love."I said.

The Door then opened and she was there..(Y/n) with her (f/c) wedding gown as she started to walk in front while staring at her surroundings first,before it stops into mine as she smiles and I smiled back to her..Then she looked at Andriel and she looked at her back..

'It was her..'

"What is she doing here...?!"


Hey there! The story is almost end..I just wanna say super thank you for still reading and voting my stories even it's sucks..And next I'm going to have a story with Kim Seokjin also known as Jin (From BTS) with an xReader (Which is you)..And I'm looking forward for you guys to read it!


Bye~See you to my last update!

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