48. I've got you

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Xavier POV

"Daddy." Sniffles filled my ears with a soft voice. My eyes opened to see Nevah standing next to me on the sofa with tears streaming down her cheeks.

I lifted the blanket up and let her lay on top of my. Her face buried in the crook of my neck as she tried to calm herself. Nevah's sniffles filled the silent room while I rubbed her back with one hand and the other on her upper thigh rubbing circles with my thumb.

"What's wrong abeja?" I whispered. My deep voice full of sleep as I spoke to the crying girl.

"I-I had a bad dream." Nevah cried.

"What about?" I held her tighter.

"Y-you l-left m-me. D-dont l-leave m-me, p-please." She fisted my T-shirt.

"Shh, Shh. I'm not going anywhere. Calm down baby. I've got you." I told her. I sat up and pulled her on to my lap where I rocked her like every other nightmare she has.

"I've got you. I'm not leaving you at all. I've got you." One of my hands stroking her hair from her face while the other held her close to my chest. Nevah calmed a little, but her sniffles were still loud. Her small hands still clutching my T-shirt tightly as if I'd leave if she let go.

Soon enough, Nevah had fallen asleep. Her soft, light snores filled my ears but came out muffled from her face being buried in my chest. I laid down again, with Nevah right against the back of the sofa on her side. I laid on the edge so Nevah wouldn't fall off and hurt herself. She cuddled up to my chest again with my arms wrapped around her petite body.

With one last kiss on her head, I closed my eyes listening to the sound of her soft snores.

When I woke up, Nevah was still asleep. The quiet hum of the tv sounded making it known someone was in the living room with us. I turned my head to see Abuelo sat on the sofa with a sleeping grandpa.

"Aren't you two supposed to be at work?" I asked. My voice deep still full of sleep. A yawn escaped my lips as I carefully stretched.

"No. Start of Christmas holidays." He replied. I nodded and pulled Nevah on top of me so I could lay flat on my back. She let out a small whine but calmed when I started rubbing her back.

"Was you able to find a therapist for Nevah?" I questioned him.

"Yeah. I set it up. She has a session on the 28th. They're full apparently so she has to wait. After that it's up to Nevah when she feels like she needs to talk." He told me.

"Alright." I nodded. I let out a small sigh putting my nose to her hair, smelling the strawberry from the shampoo. "What are you doing today?"

"Not much. Wait for Danny to wake up then go Christmas shopping. Got a few more bits to pick up." Abuelo replied.

"Still got some things to get Nevah." I chuckled softly.

"Text me what you need and I'll just pick it up. Saves you from going out." He stated.

"Ok. Let me get some money for you." I went to get up.

"No. Let Nevah sleep. I heard her up most of the night. Don't wake her up." He shook his head. I nodded and laid back down fully again. Nevah rubbed her cheek on my chest before settling.

Nevah woke up, her eyes fluttered open looking up at me from under my chin.

"Hi." She whispered resting her chin on my chest.

"Hey." I smiled at her. "I'm sorry for raising my voice at you last night."

"I-it's ok." Nevah mumbled.

"It's not. I shouldn't have done it. I just want you to tell me how you're feeling. To tell me what happened to you do I have a better understanding. So I can help you some way better than I have been." I told her.

"I know. I'm just not ready to tell anyone yet." She replied with a soft smile.

"Ok." I returned the soft smile. I lifted my hand gently and rubbed my thumb softly on her cheek. Nevah leaned into my touch relishing the warmth of my skin. "Take time, I can wait."

"Thank you." Nevah whispered again. I leaned my head and connected our lips. Nevah moved up rubbing one my member causing me to moan a little. My hands came to her hips where I pushed her down a little making her rub against me. I could feel my joggers tenting from growing hard.

Good thing grandpa and Abuelo have already left and won't be back for a while.

I sat up wrapped Nevah's legs around my waist and standing up. She let out a moan, releasing it into my mouth as I made my way upstairs to put room. Once there, I laid her down on the bed, settling myself between her legs. We both took each other's clothes off with a kiss that never broke. A soft kiss telling one another how much we meant to each other, to let us know that everything is fine.

My arm reached over to the bedside table pulling the drawer open, feeling for the familiar wrapped of the condom. I pulled away from Nevah's lips and brought the wrapper to my lips ripping it open with my teeth. My hand lowered to pull the latex over my hard member.

Keeping my eyes on Nevah's, I slowly started pushing myself into her. She let out a gasp and held on to my shoulders from feeling me for the second time. One hand held me up while the other caressed her cheek. Once I was all the way in, I stayed still letting her accommodate my size.

After that, I slowly pulled back and thrusted into her. Another gasp came from her lips, as well as mine. My mouth opened from the warmth of her heat surrounding my shaft gripping me as I slowly slid in and out of her.

A moan came from her after a few thrusts making me moan as well. Nevah leaned up to kiss me but I pressed my forehead to hers laying her back down.

"No. Let me see your face." I breathed out. I pecked her lips then leaned up again. Nevah nodded and closed her eyes, her mouth open letting out breathy moans. I picked up the pace making me and Nevah let out a series of moans.

"Ah, uh. Xavier." The small girl moaned out. Her contorted into one of pleasure as I once again sped up with my movements. I rocked my hips in which Nevah bucked up her hips to meet with every thrust.

Soon enough, Nevah let out one loud moan as she came. Sweat glistened on her forehead as well as mine. I carried on going until a couple thrusts later I came as well.

"Fuck." I groaned. My eyes closing with my mouth open. Our chests rose and fell mixing our heaving breaths from the hour love making we did. When we came down from our high, I laid on top of Nevah, still keeping some weight off of her.

"I love you." I looked at her.

"I-I love you to." Nevah breathed out. I connected our lips and started rocking my hips again, making that pleasurable friction.

A/N: Last chapter today. I know there haven't been many but I've been busy today.

Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you have a great day tomorrow 😊

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