5. Nevah

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Nevah POV (pronounced nay-var) (abuse warning ⚠️)

When I got home from the shop, I went up to my room. Any chance I find money on the floor, I pick it up to save for food. The care home is horrible and I want to leave.

When I was a baby my parents left me on the doorstep of this place with nothing but a note that said they didn't want me. Just to make me feel worthless, the owner of the care home framed the note to make sure it puts me down.

The other kids bully and hurt me as well as some of the staff that work here. I go to school with bruises on my arms, legs, back and chest. But there is that odd occasion where I get a black eye or a bruised cheek where I have to tell my two friends or teachers that I fell or was play fighting with a 'sibling.'

My two friends at school make me feel wanted and loved. They don't know what I go through because I haven't had a noticeable bruise at this school. I've been there for three months where I met Hope and Bella on my first day.

I don't take lunch with me so on the first day they gave me some of theirs, every day since then they've brought me my own lunch. I thank them a lot. I want to tell them what happens but I'm scared. Only four years until I can leave when I'm eighteen, only four years left. I've put up with it for fourteen, four more shouldn't be that difficult.

While sitting on my bed, eating a chocolate bar, one of the older kids came in. He saw me eating the treat I had saved up for.

"Give me that and I won't tell anyone." He snatched it from my hand.

"N-no, g-give t-that b-back." My eyes teared up as I watched the boy eat my chocolate bar. It would be the only thing I've eaten today, and the only thing I would eat. For some reason the person that owns this place doesn't like me at all so I go without food for days at a time and he lets the older kids bully and hurt me.

"N-no." He mimicked me. "Grow up bitch. And for that I'll take you to John." He smirked.

He quickly ate my chocolate bar and dragged me to John's office by my hair. I screamed and cried trying to pry his hands from my dirty blonde hair, but he never let go of loosened his grip.

Once at the office of the man that owns the care home, he threw me in. Stood in there was John and a couple of the other boys who beat me on a daily.

"This little bitch had a chocolate bar in her room. As soon as I walked in she shoved it in her gob. She ate today when she wasn't allowed so I brought her here." Philip told John.

"Naught little bitch this one is. It seems she always seems to find ways to be punished. Boys, you know what to do." John stated and walked out of his office.

The boys started kicking, punching and slapping me. My cries and screams sounded but no one came to help me. They never do.

Once they were done, they all took me to my room and harshly threw me on the bed. They left me there, crying and shaking. I could feel blood dripping down my lips from a nose bleed. My whole body ached as it shook from fear of what the boys have done to me for as long as I can remember.

Only if someone would help me. Someone to love me more, to hold me when I cry or get scared. Someone who will take a broken girl and fix me. It's all I want, is for one person to help me, to give me comfort when I need it most and when I just want it.

But that's a dream that won't come.

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