53. He's not forcing you is he

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Xavier POV

My eyes held Nevah's as she looked down at me. Tears falling down her cheeks with her hands over her mouth. My heart beat was quicker than ever the longer I stayed down on one knee. Nevah stood in shock as she trained her eyes on the ring sat in the small box in my hand.

"N-Nevah?" I called her name softly.

She nodded and let out a sob. "Yes." She whispered and leaned down, putting her hands on my cheeks and kissing me. My arm wrapped around her waist keeping her close to me. I kissed her hungrily, deepening the kiss as a few tears fell from my eyes.

After a couple minutes, we pulled away where I took out the ring and placed it on her finger. Her promise ring still on her middle finger from two years ago. I planted a kiss on the ring then pulled Nevah back to me. I stood up bringing the small 5'2 girl with me. Yeah she hasn't grown that much, still very much the smallest in the whole family.

My hands trailed up her arms to her shoulders where I pulled down the thin straps of her dress. It fell to the floor pooling in a white bunch around her feet. My hands went to the back of her thighs and picked her up, wrapping her legs around my waist. I took her heels off as well as my shoes leaving them in the middle of the room.

I walked over to the bed, the rose petals flying up and off the bed from me and Nevah falling on the bed. Her hands shakily unbuttoned my shirt pushing it off my shoulders making it join the dress and shoes on the floor. My lips attacked her neck making sure to leave a hickey or two. I kneeled on the bed taking off my belt and trousers as well as my boxers and socks.

Before throwing my trousers on the floor, I got my wallet and took out a strip of condoms.

"C-can we try it without one?" Nevah asked me in a whisper, I almost missed it.

"No baby. You'll get pregnant that way. And you're not on the pill." I sighed a little. I want to make love to her without protection, but I can't risk her getting pregnant. Anyone can see she's not ready, and she said it herself that she's not ready.

"Is there n-not another way?" She questioned.

"I could quickly go out and get a morning after pill. Then you can take it when we're done." I suggested.

"I-I don't want you to leave." She mumbled. Well I could pull out but I don't think I can. The amount of pleasure I get from her with the condom is something out of this world, it worries me that if I do it without one that I'll just end up being so lost in pleasure I'd forget to pull out.

"I won't be long, ok? I'll be five minutes tops." I told her.

"C-can I come? I don't want to be alone." Nevah's bottom lip quivered a little.

"Of course." I nodded with a soft smile and pecked our lips. We both dressed in some casual warm clothes and left our hotel room. We both talked while walking. Nevah laughed getting smiles from people that passed us. With her on my back I spun around every now and then making her squeal with a giggle and hold on to me.

Once we got to the pharmacy, I let Nevah on her feet and walked in with her hand in mine. Nevah looked around at some of the other stuff as I looked at the morning after pill options. There wasn't much so I just picked up the one that said was most effective.

"Nevah." I called her. She looked at me and showed me a hot water bottle with a cute sloth cover on it. My eyes softened and I nodded telling her to get it. A huge smile broke out on her face as she ran over to me. She clutched it in her arm with the other hand holding mine.

We walked up to the til and let the man scan the items. He eyed me then Nevah holding my hand with disgust in his eyes.

"That'll be £30.99." He said coldly. Yea, that much. The pills came to £25 and the hot water bottle £5.99 which I don't mind. I don't care buying any of it but the look he was giving us was irrelevant.

I pulled out my wallet and gave him a twenty and a ten pound note with a pound coin. I mumbled keep the change as I grabbed the stuff from the counter. He snatched it from me hand and stuffed it into the til in its right place.

"He isn't forcing you to do anything is he honey?" The man looked at Nevah.

Her eyebrows furrowed looking up at me. I closed my eyes with a heavy sigh out of my nose.

"N-no. Why?" Nevah glared at him a little.

"How old are you? And he's what? 30?" He stated looking at me in disgust.

"Look, I'm not forcing her to do anything. Your comments are irrelevant." I huffed out.

"I think they are. You forcing her is illegal. I should call the police." He pulled out his phone.

"Xavier." Nevah looked up at me. Her cheeks already covered in tears with her bottom lip quivering.

"Hello, yes I need police. There is a man here forcing a young girl to have sex with him." He said down the phone.

"Sir please take a seat." He looked at me. I pulled Nevah over to the chairs and sat down.

"D-don't l-leave m-me." Nevah sobbed.

"I'm not going anywhere baby, ok?" My hand caressing her cheek. The pad of my thumb wiping away her tears which were only replaced with fresh ones.

I pulled out my phone and have Nevah her plush hot water bottle to hold on to.

"Hey, what's up?" Dad answered the phone.

"I need you to go to the hotel room." I whispered. "I might get arrested."

"What?! why?!" He shouted.

I let out a long sigh. "Nevah wanted to try and have sex without a condom so we came out to get the morning after pill. The man at the counter called the police. When they get here I'll just explain to them, but I want you to go to the hotel room to get our stuff. This weekend has not gone to plan at all." I mumbled the last part.

"Ok. I-I'll send Memphis and Danny to you. They might be able to bail you out just incase." He told me.

"Ok. Tell mum, Finn and the girls I love them. I love you dad." I stated.

"Will do. I love you to son." Dad replied and hung up. I put my phone in my pocket again and leaned back in the chair. Nevah clung to my arm making me whisper soft things to her. To try and lighten the mood where she can forget about all this, but it didn't work.

After five minutes, two police men walked in. They looked at me then to the man at the counter.

"This him?" One of them asked gesturing to me. The man behind the til nodded, which one made Nevah cry harder and cling to me tighter.

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