27. I trusted you

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Nevah POV

When Xavier left, I watched a film in his room for a while. I started getting tired around 12:00am and Xavier wasn't back yet so I went into the twins' room. They were both asleep so I got a blanket and a pillow and laid down on the floor.

The sun shone in my eyes through the crack of the curtains. Bella and Hope weren't in their beds, but I could hear people downstairs so I went there. Paisley, Logan, Bella, Hope and Finn were all sat around the table. Liana had slept at her friends last night from going to the party last night, although not going with Xavier.

"Morning darling, how'd you sleep?" Logan kissed the top of my head. Him and paisley have really become parent figures I've always wanted.

"Ok. M-missed Xavier though." I blushed and sat down.

"I think he's still sleeping. Want to go wake him up?" Paisley told me with a smile. I nodded and made my way back upstairs to my boyfriends room. I opened the door, and what I saw made my heart sink and tears fall like a burst pipe.

"Xavier?" I called out in disbelief. He looked up at me and smiled, but when he saw me looking at his bed, he looked as well.

Laid on my side of the bed was this blonde girl still asleep. Xavier looked at her until realisation came over his face. His eyes widened making him quickly get out of his bed which woke the girl. And of course he was naked. Xavier quickly pulled on some shorts all while I stood by the door with my hand still on the handle.

"Baby it's not what it looks like." Xavier told me. His hands out while he slowly walked towards me.

"Xavier, baby come back for round four." Te girl sat up with a smirk on her face. What the hell is going on? She's naked to. Oh my god.

"Y-you slept with her?" I looked back at my 'boyfriend' and spat out.

"Let me explain." He said. "I don't know what happened."

"I do." I sobbed. "Y-you w-went to a party to fucking sleep with someone else. Was I just some easy fucking target for you to put shit in her head?"

"No abeja. It was nothing like that. I only had one drink. I told you I'd-," he started.

"You told me you'd come back sober. SOBER. Not with some girl to sleep with her." I yelled.

"I didn't sleep with her." Xavier yelled back. I could see the anger in his eyes,  but could he see mine?

"How does that explain you waking up naked, with her. I come in to see my boyfriend with someone else in the bed we slept in. The bed w-we..." I trailed off not being able to finish the sentence.

"Don't tell me you can explain because you can't. Y-you can't because you haven't already." I added.

"Because you won't let me." Xavier yelled making me flinch.

"Ok. Tell me. Tell me why there is a girl in the bed we shared." I snapped.

"I... I. FUCK!" Xavier growled and punched the wall. "I don't know, ok? I don't fucking know."

"The twins were right." I mumbled and looked at my feet. "They told me you were a drunk and a sex addict. I knew as soon as I let you go last night this would happen."

I walked started walking away only to have a hand wrap itself around my wrist. "Don't fucking walk away from me." Xavier growled and pulled me to his chest.

"I didn't do anything. I-I don't think I did anyway." He stated.

"Oh baby we did more that nothing. He's so good." The girl moaned out. My eyes stayed on Xavier. I didn't want to cry anymore in front of him, but hearing that girl just made this even more true than what it is.

"W-what was I all for? Huh? Just a fling for the summer? Just a naive little girl you can use, make feel safe then push me away because you find someone your own age, someone to fuck you." I ripped away from his arms.

"No it wasn't." He shook his head. "It was more than that. I love you." He tried to pull me to him again. Only for me to step back.

"You were the only person I trusted, more than anything in this world. Because of what happened to me, I put my trust in you and you go and do this. What am I to you?"

I didn't give him a chance to say anything else, I walked away before my head could catch up with my body. I ran down the stairs, only to be pushed against a wall.

"Fucking listen to me." Xavier yelled at me while he held me between the wall and his body. "I'm sorry, ok? I must have had more to drink than I thought. I was a lightweight from not drinking got so long."

"And that makes it all better?" I yelled back. "When has that been a good enough reason to do that to someone?"

All of a sudden, Xavier pulls his hand back and punches the wall right next to my head. "I said I was sorry." He shouted.

"How does that make it better?" I screamed. "You'd be like this if you found me in bed with another guy. So don't you dare think an apology will automatically make this all ok. Because it's not, it'll never be ok."

"Just," he breathed out trying to calm himself. "Just sit down, please. Let me make it up to you."

"If I do I know you'll do it again. I've seen enough films with Bella and Hope to know how it goes. I let you have another chance and you'll just go to another party, get drunk and cheat again. You know what they say, once a cheater always a cheater."

"That's not fair. If you ever cheated I'd give you a second chance." Xavier stated. "I'd do that because I love you."

"But you wouldn't have to because I would never cheat on you. You are the first person I've ever trusted, the first person I've ever let hold me so intimately. You say you love me but you go and do this. It's over, Xavier. You'll only do it again." I whispered at the end.

I pushed past him and walked out of the house my feet taking me to the only other place I call home. The place that holds so much pain, yet it's better than being in the same house as Xavier.

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