31. What the actual f*ck

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Memphis POV

While laying on the sofa with Danny on top of me, we watched the walking dead. At around 11:00pm, there was loud knocking on the front door.

"Are we expecting someone?" My husband asked me with confusion all over his face, matching mine.

"No. It might be Lewis or one of the twins." I told him. Danny moved off me so I could get up and see who it was. When I opened the door I gasped.

"Nevah?" I frowned a little. Her eyes closed and she started falling from her position against the wall. My arms immediately caught her before she could hit the floor but she was already passed out.

When I moved her to a bridal pick up, something wet got on my arm. I looked, only to see blood coating my skin from the small girl. Immediately I took her inside and up to mine and Danny's room.

"What's going-," Danny started. "What the actual fuck?" He gasped when I took off the jacket Nevah was wearing. She was only in shorts and a vest. Her chest, back, arms and legs were all littered in cuts and bruises.

"Call paisley." I told Danny. I know he doesn't like blood so that was partly to get him out. I ran a bath to clean all of the cuts. Some were deep, but not deep enough for stitches to go to the hospital. Whoever did this knew what they were doing. Abusing a child, yet not enough to put her in the hospital to avoid any questions.

Once the bath was filled and at a cool temperature, I undressed Nevah and put her in. I made sure she didn't slip under the water as I cleaned the wounds. I know it may seem wrong to some people, but it's not like she can clean them herself, she's passed out and it won't clean itself. Who would do this to her?

Nevah is the sweetest girl I know. Can't say the same for my granddaughters, I love them but they are sassy and bitchy like paisley used to be. And Xavier used to be another version of me and Logan before Nevah came into the picture. Maybe he knows what happened.

All I know is that someone abuses her and it's not just starting. There's old scars, from years of being hit and cut. I only know what that looks like from when my mum used to hit me when she was drunk and when paisley had it on her back when she was a baby.

"Is she ok?" Danny asked me, standing at the door while I ran a soft sponge across her body. The water no longer clear but I orange-reddish colour.

"I don't know. It's good and bad, good that she doesn't need to go to hospital. And bad being that she's like this. Danny she gets abused, by guardian or whoever takes care of her." I told him.

"She'll be ok right? I can't-," Danny starts crying. I can't even comfort him because I'm holding Nevah's head from going under water.

"What did paisley say?" I asked him.

"Xavier's at a shift with Nate. She'll wait for him to get home. She doesn't want to push Nevah at the moment so will let us try and get her to tell us what happened and who did it." My husband replied. I nodded and carried on cleaning Nevah.

Once I got the cuts to stop bleeding, I pulled the plug and let the water drain. Once it was done, I wrapped Nevah in a large towel and laid her on mine and Danny's bed. I went into paisley's old room where she had some spare clothes left behind from when she moved out.

I grabbed some cotton panties, not bothering with a bra since it will only irritate her cuts. I went back into the room to see Danny carefully dabbing the towel on her body to dry her off. Once we successfully dried and dressed Nevah, in one of my T-shirt's so it was baggy and wouldn't cling to her skin. I took her into Paisley's old room and laid her on the bed.

This poor girl has been through hell.

Xavier POV

"Mum?" I looked at her. Bad thoughts filled my head, any family member, my Nevah.

"It's Nevah." My dad said as my mum cried. "She's at Abuelo and grandpas house."

"W-what? Why? Is she ok?" I asked. Tears started falling down my cheeks. What if they cut her again? What if she's in the hospital? My heart breaking even more.

"Grandpa said she knocked the door and passed out. She had cuts all over her arms, legs chest and back. He couldn't watch Abuelo clean her because of all the blood." Dad sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I sobbed. "Why didn't you call me to get me out of the bar? I gotta go see her." I headed for the front door.

"No Xavier. We can't overwhelm her right now." My mum cried.

"Don't tell me what to do." I yelled. "Don't tell me what I can't do because she's mine. Not yours, mine. This isn't the first time it's happened, I'm going to go get her."

"Xavier stop." My dad grabbed my wrist. I turned around and swung my fist. My dad ducked and pulled me to his chest where I sobbed on his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I cried out, fisting his T-shirt the way Nevah used to do to me.

"We didn't want you worrying. She still might not want to see you. Get Lia to get the proof first, then go see her." He told me. I nodded but still clung to my dad sobbing like a newborn.

My heart breaking even more. Just thinking about my abeja like that. I'll get her back, that's a promise.

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