34. You can tell us

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Nevah POV

My eyes opened to me laying on a soft, but hard chest. I remember kissing Xavier then laying on the sofa and going to sleep. When I rested my chin on his chest, I saw Xavier already awake looking down at me while his fingers play with my hair.

"Morning abeja." He whispered.

"M-morning." I whispered back. Last night Xavier had shown me the video and told me the plan him and liana had. I'm grateful they did it because it just shows how much Xavier wants to be with me, it shows he would do anything for me, just to prove how much he loves me.

I guess i overreacted a little when I found him and that girl. It was just the shock of seeing Xavier with another girl and I got jealous.

"I want to take you out today. Just you and me." Xavier told me. I nodded and moved up his body to connect our lips. I've missed this, so much.

The front door opened making me and Xavier look to see who it is. Stood there was paisley and Logan with worried faces, Danny and Memphis with them. They all held bags in their hands. Bella and Hope came down the stairs rubbing their eyes, which lit up when they saw their parents with food in their hands.

They all sat down and handed the breakfast out to everyone. After we ate, I cuddled up to Xavier's side, hoping they wouldn't ask the question they are all thinking.

"Nevah, I know it might be difficult for you to talk about." Memphis sighed. "But we really need to know what happened. We want to help you get away from whoever is hurting you like this."

I looked up at Xavier with tears in my eyes. He gave me a small nod and a kiss on my forehead telling me I can tell them. I can trust them like I trust Xavier.

"I-I." I started and looked at the twins.

"Girls why don't you go upstairs." Paisley told her daughters. They nodded and went upstairs. "You can tell us Nevah. It's ok."

"I-I d-don't h-have p-parents. I-I l-live in a c-care h-home w-where j-John l-let's boys h-hit me." I whispered. My voice cracking as I spoke and tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Me and Memphis have been talking." Danny told me. "If it's ok with you, we'd like to adopt you. You can move in with us. And we've spoken to paisley and Logan, to see if you're comfortable having Xavier move in with us as well."

It was at that moment I let go. I sobbed like a newborn baby and stood up hugging Danny and Memphis. All I could do was hug them and sob, just to show them how much they would be helping me.

"T-thank y-you." I managed to get out. They both wrapped their arms around me, but was careful because of my still healing wounds. These people have truly been a family to me, and I couldn't ask for a better one.

"You're welcome. It's not the first time helping an abused child, querida. It's ok." Memphis stroked my hair gently. (Dear/darling)

I pulled away and sat back next to Xavier. I cuddled up to his side again which is where I feel most safest.

"You want this?" Xavier asked me. "Want me to move in with you?"

I nodded and leaned up to kiss him. A slow kiss just letting him know how he makes me feel. Actions speak louder than words as they say.

"Then it's settled." Memphis smiled a little. "We just need you to take us to the care home and we'll do all the paperwork."

I nodded and snuggled more into Xavier, inhaling his scent that always calms me.

"Can we do it tomorrow? I want to take Nevah out for the day." Xavier said.

"Of course. Go have fun kiddos." Logan smiled. We nodded and went up to the room. The twins hugged me and went downstairs so Xavier and I could get changed. I was able to find some shorts and a T-shirt with some underwear as well.

"Want a shower before we leave?" Xavier looked at me.

"I-I d-dont w-want y-you t-to s-see me." I whispered and wrapped my arms around myself.

"See what baby?" Xavier asked softly as his thumb caressed my cheek. "You're body? It's beautiful. The cuts? Beautiful. Embrace them baby because they're all apart of you now, and I love you therefore I love your scars. It shows how strong you've been, to put up with it for as long as you have. Now you don't have to. I love you for you, and all that comes with you. Just like you love me for me, and all that comes with me."

I nodded and hugged him. It seems like everything is turning out for the better. I have an amazing boyfriend with me, a family that is better than I could ever ask for.

"M-Memphis h-has a-adopted s-someone?" I frowned a little and looked up at Xavier.

"Yeah. Uncle Lewis actually. He makes up our family just like you will. And it will only add. Let's shower, I have a surprise for you." Xavier pecked my lips.

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