2. They're brats anyway

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Xavier POV

After college, I got in my car and went to pick up my younger siblings. Two fucking schools I have to go to just to pick up the little brats. First I got Hope and Bella who were excited to see me, I just rolled my eyes at them, then lastly my little brother Finn.

"Stay here." I mumbled to the girls and got out of the car. I went to the door and waited for it to open so I could get Finn and leave.

Ten minutes later, the door opened and kids were running to their parents. My little brothers face fell when he saw me not our mother.

"Come on Finn. Mums at work." I told him. He shook his head and stood close to his teachers legs.

"Are you family friend of the Matthews? I've never seen you before." The woman asked me.

"No." I scoffed. "I'm his older brother. Mummy dearest is stuck at work so I have to pick him up."

"Go on Finn." She told him. Once again he shook his head and ran into the building more.

"Fuck sake." I groaned. I pulled out my phone and rang Liana.

"What?" She spat out and answered.

"Come and get Finn. He won't come with me." I stated.

"Why should I help you when you didn't help me? Good luck Xavier, you might never get out little brother out because he doesn't like you." Liana scoffed.

"Fuck you Liana." I spat out and hung up. "Can I go in and get him?" I looked at the teacher.

"I'm going to need some proof that you are who you say you are." She sighed. I got my phone from my pocket again and scrolled through my phone all the way to the top. The first picture being the whole family that i was forced to do a couple months ago.

"My mum, dad, me, Liana, Hope, Bella and Finn. I'm his older brother." I told her. "He was born on the 12th of December. Is that proof enough?"

"Yeah." She sighed. "Go on." She let me in. I followed her to a classroom where my little brother was sat down crying.

I walked over to him and picked him up putting him over my shoulder. Finn screamed and cried while hitting my back and kicking his legs. When we got outside I got looks from all the parents and a couple teachers I had to pass.

"Xavier." Someone called me name. I turned around to see my grandpa.

"What?" I rolled my eyes.

"Liana called. We'll take the kids until your mum gets home." He told me. "Just put him down and I'll take him. Abuelo has the girls in the car already."

"Fine. They're brats anyway." I rolled my eyes and put my little brother down. He ran to my grandpa sobbing.

"You're ok." Grandpa wiped his eyes. "It's ok. Calm down, breathe." Finn calmed down and hugged him. I rolled my eyes and walked off to my car. For sure the girls weren't there, so I just drove off knowing they're with grandpa and abuelo.

When I got home I went straight to my room. I changed into some joggers and went to my window where I got a blunt from my bedside table drawer. Drag after drag I took until my eyes were a bit blurry letting me know I was high.

Smoke filled my room making my eyes burn and water. Laughter came from me causing me to laugh harder at anything I looked at.

I didn't realise much time had passed until my dad stormed into my room. It only made me laugh and hold on to my belly as I rolled around on my bed.

"Are you fucking high?" He growled and held my face in his hands.

"Nooooo." I tried to be serious but ended up laughing like a madman.

"Where is it? Huh?" My dad started going through my chest of drawers taking everything out of it.

"Where is what, dad." I laughed.

"The fucking weed? Where is it? Tell me now." He shouted at me and came over to my bed.

"That is a secret." I whispered and laughed. He went to my bedside table and opened the drawer. "Hey, get the fuck out of there." I turned serious and grabbed at my dad wrists.

He pushed me away and pulled out my three weed filled tins. All were rolled so I only had to go in and get one out. Tyler did it for me so if I felt like I needed a blunt I had a bunch ready.

"This stops now. I will not let my son ruin his body because of bad friends. Get your head out of your fucking arse, Xavier and grow up. I'm sick and tired of you ruining your body with weed and alcohol on the daily. It fucking stops." My dad yelled at me.

"Your one to fucking talk." I glared at him.

"Don't turn this on me." He scoffed. "You have younger siblings that are worried about you, Finn won't leave school with you because he's scared. Liana got her period and you left her there, so I had to come out of work to sort her out. You need to sort out your priorities because this is getting out of hand."

"I know my priorities."

"Weed and alcohol isn't it." My dad shouted. "Your head is in the clouds and it needs to come down. What happened to the little boy who'd do anything for his sisters and brother?"

"He fucked off because he saw how shit this family is." I stated and looked away from my dad. "Why do you care anyway? It's not like you love me anyway."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He frowned.

"It doesn't matter. Just fuck off and leave me alone." I got under my covers and hid my body, pulling the sheets over my head.

"If I see you with this shit again I won't hesitate to take it. I won't sit back and let you ruin your body because of bad friends. Trust me, I know right now it seems shit and this is the only way to feel free, but it's not. There'll be more ways to feel the same, weed and alcohol isn't the only way." My dad sighed before leaving my room.

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