11. You are to me

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Paisley POV

When I woke up, I had Finn and Bella between me and Logan. My husband was on his phone while our youngest daughter cuddled up to his side.

"Morning munchkin." Logan smiled at me, leaned over the kids to kiss me.

"Morning." I smiled back at him. We both got out of bed carefully so our babies wouldn't wake. Bella usually sleep walks so we find her in our bed in the mornings sometimes, and Finn wakes up at 5:00am so comes into mine and Logan's room until we wake up. So even being careful, Finn woke up.

We all walked down stairs to the kitchen where Hope and Liana was already eating breakfast. My oldest son no where to be seen as well as Nevah.

"Morning. Where's Nevah?" I asked Hope.

"Not sure. She wasn't in mine and Bella's room when I woke up." My daughter replied.

"Has Xavier gone out?" I turned to my oldest daughter.

"Not that I know of. If he has it was really early since I've been up since six." Liana told me. I nodded and went back up stairs to find Nevah and Xavier.

I softly knocked on his bedroom door but got no answer. Thinking he was in the shower, I walked in to see if he was to know what he wanted to breakfast. Only to gasp a little when I saw Nevah and Xavier cuddled up together, snug in his bed. They both looked so peaceful, and after last night I wanted Nevah to sleep and get her rest.

So me being me, I got my phone from my pyjama pocket and took a picture. Don't judge me, they look so cute I couldn't resist myself. After two minutes of gushing over them, I left the room and closed his door quietly. When I got downstairs I couldn't stop the smile on my face from being the widest it's been in a while.

"What's got you smiling like the Cheshire Cat?" My husband chuckled at me, pulling me to him by my hips.

I got my phone out and showed him the picture. A smile came on to his face as he looked at it.

"They're so cute. They look so peaceful and innocent." I smiled.

"Yeah they do." Logan nodded. "How come she went to him? Do you think they have a secret relationship from the many times she's stayed?"

"No. We would know, and Nevah would have been with him a lot more times than today. Maybe she feels safe with him because of how he held her last night. Did you see him Logan? He had worry in his eyes that I've never seen before." I squealed a little bit.

"I saw baby." He chuckled. "Remember the first day they met? His eyes were on her the whole time. Fuck knows what he was thinking about but he got a hard on. It was very amusing to watch really."

"Do you think anything will happen? You know, and the age difference and all that." I turned serious.

"Have you noticed Xavier hasn't been to any parties or touched weed or alcohol? I think as long as they're careful and be responsible, they'll be ok. We can't assume or predict anything with our son, but if anything does happen, then I know he'll take care of her like I did you." Logan replied.

"I just don't want our son to end up behind bars for being with a minor." I teared up.

"Baby, as long as she consents to anything they do, it'll be ok. And if she doesn't then I'll personally beat our son so some common sense will be knocked into him. We just have to wait and see what the future holds." He told me.

I nodded and leaned up to kiss him. I really hope he's right. As long as she consents it'll be ok. Logan was fine and he got me pregnant. They'll be fine, I have a gut feeling.

Xavier POV

The sun shone on to my eyes from the crack in my curtain. I felt something move making me open my eyes, only to see a sleeping Nevah cuddled up to my chest. I could feel her leg over my waist and one arm around me while I had both of my arms secured around her... almost protectively.

A yawn came from my mouth, and when I stopped I saw Nevah opening her eyes. She looked at me with confusion, then her eyes went big. She tried to move away from me but my arms wouldn't let her. Once she had given up trying to get away from me, I chuckled and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"How are you feeling this morning?" I asked her, my voice deep and full of sleep.

"O-ok." Nevah mumbled and hid her face back in my chest. Another chuckle came from me at her cuteness I was getting.

"Want to talk about that dream now? It seemed really bad if you were crying." I whispered softly.

"I-I d-don't w-want t-to talk a-about it." She sighed. Nevah looked up at me, resting her chin on my chest still keeping her arms and leg around me, the same with my arms.

"Eres tan hermosa mi amor." I whispered and pushed a bit of her hair behind her ear. Red crept on her cheeks making her smile shyly and hide her face away.
(You're so beautiful my love)

"W-what d-does t-that m-mean?" Nevah questioned.

"You're beautiful." I whispered again. Her lips so close to mine. I just wanted to pull her close to me and kiss her senseless. To mark her all over her body to show she's mine. She's too young to go all the way, but she's mine. If I have to I'll mark her neck, arms, legs and wherever is most visible just to show people she's mine.

"I-I'm n-not." Nevah sighed.

"To me you are." I mumbled and kissed her head. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast." She nodded and got out of bed.

She went into my bathroom, which I watched her every move. The way her hips swung absentmindedly, her arse peachy begging me to pull her back to my bed and bite it, to mark it. Her whole body screamed at me to take her, to mark her all over and I I wanted to, oh fuck I wanted to.

The only thing holding me back is her. Her mind isn't ready. I don't think she's all there, unlike Hope. Hope is more mature and adult like, where Nevah seems more child like. Like she just needs someone to hold her.

A romantic relationship, not a sexual one. But my mind is always full of sex, weed and alcohol.

Yet this girl has pushed that all away and filled my head of her. And only her.

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