69. Epilogue

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Xavier POV

When I opened the front door to the house, my ears were filled with the giggles of my children. The door shut behind me as I put my coat and keys down then walked into the living room. My family sat on the floor playing around.

My beautiful wife round with our fourth baby while Owen, Tristan and Oakley all ran around. Owen being eight now, Tristan 6 and Oakley, my little girl three years old. Two boys and one girl with another girl on the way.

Owen taking after Nevah being small and petite, while Tristan was more me with his height and looks. He was that little taller than Owen making people believe he's the oldest. Oakley being the replica of Nevah with the dirty blonde curls on her head and light brown eyes.

"Daddy." Oakley screamed and ran up to me.

"Hey bebita. Missed me that much?" I chuckled and lifted her up to sit on my hip.

"I always miss you daddy." My little girl smiled at me.

"What about mummy? Huh? Don't you miss mummy?" I asked her.

"But she's here with us." Oakley smiled at me.

"Ok you got me." I laughed and put her down. Nevah stood up and wrapped her arms around my torso, her bump separating us a little.

"Hey baby." I smiled and leaned down to kiss my wife.

"Hey. How was work?" Nevah smiled back at me.

"It's was ok. The usual." I shrugged. "Just wanted to come back to you and this happy lot."

"I bet you did. They've been asking about you a lot."

"I can tell. How is this one doing?" I placed my hand on her bump.

"She's ok. I have a feeling she'll be here soon though." Nevah sighed.

"Maybe this can be our last one, then I get a vasectomy or something. That was we can still have that mind blowing love making sessions without another little one coming." I chuckled a little.

"Maybe. But I love them so little and cute." Nevah pouted.

"So do I. How about this, we have this little one, then one more in the future. Then we'll have five kids, which is more than enough." I suggested.

"Ok. I was thinking six but five will be enough." She giggled.

"What do you want? A football team?" I chuckled.

"And what if I do?"

"We're gonna need a bigger house." I smiled widely.

Nevah rolled her eyes and kissed me once more before going back to the kids. I sat down next to Owen and pulled him to my side while the others played with Nevah. Oakley having a tea party with her mum and Tristan.

"How was school?" I asked my oldest son with a kiss to the top of his head while he snuggled up to my side.

"It's ok." Owen sighed.

"What's going on? Come on, let's talk while I make a cuppa." I picked him up, giving him a piggy back ride.

"So you gonna tell me or not?" I asked my son as I sat him on the counter and boiled the kettle.

"Just stupid boys at school that's all." He sighed.

"Are you getting bullied? If you need me to come to school with you I will." I told him.

"No. It's ok. It's not much anyway, not a big deal." Owen shrugged.

"If it's making you feel like shit then it's a big deal. We'll sort this out, alright? Want a tea?" I asked him. He nodded so I got two cups from the cupboard and started making the tea.

"I want you to tell me these things. As long as you can stand up for yourself then don't mind it too much. But when it starts getting physical then go straight to the headteacher. Ok?" I told him.

"I know." Owen nodded. The hurt look in his eyes didn't go unnoticed. The same look I got before I started smoking weed and drinking as well as going some drugs.

"Promise me one thing." I stood in front of my son.

"What?" He whispered.

"Don't do what I did. Don't turn to dumb shit for an escape, because it doesn't work. Weed, alcohol, drugs. I've been there done it, looking for an escape from life just because it got shit and went down hill. So promise me that it won't go like that, and if you feel like it's the only way, talk to me. Talk to anyone about it, Abuelo and Abuelo Memphis are the best ones to talk to if it ever comes to it. Just know you have a massive family here to help you no matter what."

"I know. Love you dad." Owen smiled at me.

"Love you to son. Now let's go drink this tea because it's been calling me all day." I chuckled. Owen got on my back again while I carried the cups into the living room.

"Your two alright?" Nevah asked with a smile.

"Of course. Father son bonding over the best thing in this world. A cuppa tea." I chuckled.

My wife just rolled her eyes and went back to Oakley and Tristan.

Now I can finally say my family is complete. My beautiful wife that I thank god everyday for meeting. My oldest son never failing to make me smile. Tristan cracking jokes making the whole family laugh. And Oakley, my little girl. My number one girl who is definitely a daddy's girl. But sadly she's swapping sides.

Seeing my whole family like this, smiling with each other is the best thing I could ever see. Hearing my two girls laugh with the boys makes me a proud father and husband. To have a happy family that I've got. Nothing will come close to making me feel what I feel for my family and baby on the way. I'll protect them for as long as I can, but all parents know that there's a time when the protection is to be passed on to someone else.

I'll always be there for my kids, but one day I know they'll rely on someone else. But as long as they're happy, I'm happy. And I wouldn't have this if I didn't meet Nevah,

The small girl, so fragile and broken. We've had our ups and downs and not once have we strayed from one another. Ok that's a lie but whatever. Being in this room with my family is more than what I can ask for, to see them happy and smiling.

I guess this is the end. The end of my journey of being with Nevah and having the kids. But it's not the very end, no. There's shit more to come from this family, maybe, just maybe it'll have a better story. But for now, this it it.

It's just Xavier and Nevah...

A/N: I can't believe it's the end. I don't want it to end but it has to!!! Thank you all so much for reading, it's been one hell of a ride. This has got to be one of my best works I've done which I'm proud of.

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