25. First date

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Xavier POV

After a shower together, Nevah and I got ready for our date. We got in my car and spent some quality time together just driving. I could hold her hand, kiss her at a red light. In the car I was able to be a boyfriend and not be scared who saw.

Nevah was asking me where we were going, all I replied was a surprise. She'd told me she saw a girl on Instagram with a bird and had really wanted on ever since, so I'm taking her to bird world. Hopefully she likes it.

It's not really date material but I want to see her smile than sit at a table or do regular stuff. Just to see her eyes light up and a smile on her face is enough for me, to know that I can make her smile like that with one simple gesture.

It kills me inside when she goes back to the care home and comes back with a fresh bruise or cut. So tonight I'm going to get her to sneak me in to her room so I can actually see what goes on. So I can protect her from this John man.

When I pulled up to bird world, my girl turned to me with a a massive smile. "We're going to see birds?" Nevah's eyes lit up.

"Yeah baby." I nodded and parked up. I paid for a ticket then went inside. I got Nevah and I a ticket because it's my treat, and she deserves everything and more. We both went in and heard all the birds chirping.

We walked around, Nevah pointing out birds to me. Parents looked at us in awe thinking she's my little sister, little do they know she's my girlfriend and I... yep let's not think about this morning here. Try not to get a boner at a kids day out place. I'd look like something I'm far from.

"Xavier, t-there's budgies." Nevah dragged me over. There was a large cage with so many budgies in and people in there. All had sticks with seeds on for the birds to eat off.
"Can we go in?" She looked up at me.

How can I say no to this face. "Yeah baby girl, let's go in." I nodded. I planted a kiss on her nose making her let out a small squeal. We went inside and was met with a lady stood by a box.

"Please shuffle your feet so the budgies don't get hurt. And here's some food." She handed us some sticks.

"Thank you." Nevah smiled widely at her.

"Thanks." I chuckled a little at my girlfriends cuteness.

"Look Xavier." I heard her angelic voice call me. When I turned around I saw Nevah with a yellow budgie on her head and a green and blue one on her hands eating from the sticks.

I chuckled and took my phone out to take a picture. Only when I took the picture one of the birds perched itself on top of my phone. Nevah laughed then turned her attention back to the birds. I lifted my hand to the bird on my phone so it would go on my hand to eat the seeds. After it was comfortable on my hand, I put my phone back in my pocket.

Just then, I felt something land on my shoulder. I looked next to me to see a blue budgie sat on my shoulder. As soon as I looked at it, it leaned in and placed its beak on my bottom lip. I felt it's tongue on my lip making me chuckle. It flew away making me laugh to myself. A couple people around me laughing as well, obviously seeing what happened as well.

Nevah looked over at me laughing as well. I just shook my head and looked at the yellow budgie on my hand.

I shuffled over to Nevah who was leaned against a wall, perched up on a seating bit. The budgies on her hands eating the seeds from the ice lolly stick. I couldn't help but pull out my phone and take selfies with her, using filters and getting the birds in as well.

After some time in the budgie enclosure, Nevah and I chose to leave since we had been in there for a good while. Nevah was starting to get hungry and so I was I. We stopped off at a small café at a exit on the motorway. I usually go there after I've gone to visit my great uncles, Liam and Jamie.

After eating, Nevah and I went back home. It was fairly late so everyone was in their rooms. Once in my room, we both changed into some pyjamas and laid on my bed. Nevah laid on her back, I laid on top of her using her boobs as pillows. I closed my eyes seeing my girlfriends beautiful face from today, her huge smile and the way her eyes lit up.

"I-I enjoyed today. T-thank you Xavier." Nevah whispered while playing with my hair.

"It's ok baby. It was good to see you smiling. That's all I want to see on your face." I mumbled and planted a kiss on top of her breast.

"Why'd you lay on me like this?" She giggled.

"Because they're comfy and I get to kiss them whenever I like. But I love you more." I leaned up and captured her lips with mine.

"I love you to." Nevah smiled at me when we pulled away.

"As long as it's only me. I don't care." I kissed her again. Then I fell asleep listening to the soft rhythm of my girlfriends heartbeat.

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