68. Meeting the family

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Xavier POV

Owen is now officially a day old. Nevah is ok to leave the hospital as well as our son. We changed him into a cute outfit and laid him in the car seat. Once Nevah signed the discharge papers, we were able to leave. We got into the car, me driving while Nevah sat in the back with Owen.

Once we got home, sat in the living room was the whole family. Nevah held my hand with my other holding the car seat with our son peacefully sleeping in it. Finn smiled at me and Nevah the went back on his phone.

We both sat down with the car seat by my feet. I carefully picked him up and laid him on my chest with Nevah's head on my shoulder.

"How you feeling sweetheart." Grandpa sat next to nevah.

"I'm ok. Glad he's here now." She replied with a smile. "Did you get the picture?"

"Yeah. We all did. He's really small from what I imagined him to he." Abuelo chuckled a little.

"He's dinky." Nevah looked at our sleeping son.

"It's strange how it works isn't it. He had all that room for a small baby." Hope laughed. Nevah sent her a playful glare but laughed a couple seconds after.

"I know. It's weird not feeling him kick anymore." Nevah stated.

"No more. Not just yet." I told her making everyone laugh.

"I'll be back in a second." I kissed Nevah's head. "Finn I need your help." He snapped his head up from his phone to look at me.

"What?" He looked between Nevah and i.

"I need your help with something. Come on." I rolled my eyes. Nevah smiled and shook her head at me, obviously knowing what I was going to do. Finn and I walked out of the living room and into the kitchen as I held Owen to my chest.

"What do you need help with?" Finn looked up at me.

"I don't need help. Sit down, you're gonna be the first to hold your nephew." I told him.

"Shouldn't that be someone else? I mean I don't mind, but wouldn't mum want to hold him first?" He rambled.

"Just sit down." I rolled my eyes. Finn sat down and held his arms out. I laid Owen in his arms letting him hold my son.

"This is weird." He breathed out with a smile. "I want a baby now."

"Not at fifteen you don't." I chuckled. "He needs a bottle. You ok to take him into the living room?"

"Nope. I'll drop him." Finn shook his head.

"You'll be fine. Come on." I smirked a little. Slowly, Finn stood up while I held the baby bottle and formula in my hand. It took us a while to get to the living room, but when we did everyone laughed a little at my brothers frightened face.

"Who's he going to?" Finn asked.

"Nevah. She knows how to feed him. I haven't quite got it." I told him. He nodded and slowly walked to Nevah and gave Owen to her.

Once everyone had a cuddle, they all left to give Nevah and i some space. At first she was skeptical of everyone holding Owen because of that overprotectiveness. But she got over it as some of them didn't hold him too long since they didn't want to overwhelm the baby or Nevah.

Later on that night, we were in bed with owen on Nevah's chest doing skin to skin. I smiled at my family now complete.

"We finally get to expand our love now." I whispered to my wife.

"I'm happy now. Our family is complete." Nevah smiled at me.

"Yes, but not quite. Don't think he's being an only child." I smirked at her.

"Not for at least two years." She whined a little.

"I can wait that long." I chuckled. I leaned over and connected our lips, careful of a sleeping Owen on my wife's chest. "Best gift anyone has given me."

"And mine. You're second. But as we have more kids you'll go down the line." Nevah giggled.

"You know it's the same with you as well." I laughed with her.

"I know. But you'll always be my number one husband." She pecked my lips.

"And you my number one wife." I mumbled against her lips.

"I love you." Nevah pulled away from me.

"I love you to. More than words can say." I told her.

"I know three words that show me how much you love me." She stated.

"What what may that be?" I asked her even though I already know what she'll say.

"Owen Lucas Matthews."

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