16. So cute

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Logan POV

"Daddy, why didn't Xavier come with us?" Finn looked up at me as we walked to the front door.

"He had stuff to do. Did you want him to come?" I replied. Finn shrugged and ran to his mum. My beautiful wife. She never fails to make me fall for her over and over again.

When we got inside, Finn went up to his room same with the twins. Paisley, Lia and I all went into the living room to relax, and it's the coolest room in our house.

Only we didn't expect to see what we saw. Xavier was laid on the sofa with Nevah next to him. A blanket was over them both as they slept, yet I couldn't seem to focus on them too much. What caught my eyes were the black eye, busted lip and cuts on Nevah's wrists. What the hell happened.

I could see paisley frowning as well as she looked at the small girl. Carefully, my wife pulled back the blanket to show Nevah in shorts and a T-shirt, yet her arms covered in small, shallow and deep cuts, all had been cleaned and started to scab over. 

"What the hell happened to her?" Liana made a look of disgust. "Bit pathetic really she's self harming."

"Lia." I snapped.

"What?" She asked defensively.

"It's not self harm." Paisley whispered. "Come on, before we wake them up."

Before I left, I saw my son move and snuggle more into Nevah. He pulled her close to him and absentmindedly kiss her head. I heard paisley awe at them and my daughter mumble 'nonce.'

"What does that make your father then? He slept with me when I was under eighteen." Paisley sassed to our daughter. God, it's like I'm married to a teenager.

"That's different." Lia rolled her eyes.

"No it's not. I hear that word come out of your mouth to your brother or anyone, then your phone will be mine and you won't be seeing the sun for a month." My wife told her sternly. Liana nodded with a scoff and walked away.

"I really hope the twins and Finn don't come out like that or how Xavier used to be." Paisley sighed.

Nevah POV

When I woke up, the pain wasn't as bad as what it was. Before I went to sleep Xavier had given me a pain killer to ease the pain so it was bare able. I rubbed my eyes and felt arms around me and a chest against my back.

A small smile came on to my face knowing it was Xavier. I turned over to see him already awake. He started playing with my hair calming me instantly and making me forget what happened in the last twenty four hours.

"Hey." I snuggled up to his chest more.

"Hey." Xavier replied with a kiss on my head. Blush crept up on my cheeks making him chuckle, clearly being able to see my blush.

"S-stop." I looked up at him with a embarrassed smile.

"Don't hide your blush from me abeja. It's cute." Xavier smiled and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. The things this boy makes me feel.

He leaned down and caught my lips in a slow kiss. His soft lips on mine is the best thing I've ever felt in my life. He took my first kiss which I'm not complaining about. I know I wasn't his first kiss from the things Bella and Hope have told me. I don't mind though, it means he's more experienced and can teach me what I need to know on how to make him happy and how he likes things.

"Lo mejor que he sentido." He whispered when he pulled away after a couple minutes.

"W-what does t-that mean?" I asked nervously. Each time he's spoken this language I get confused thinking he's saying something else. Stuff, like he doesn't like it and just lies to me about the real meaning.

"The best thing I've ever felt." He replied and ran his thumb on my bottom lip. His eyes held something, I don't know what. But from it I can tell he isn't lying when he says it.

"I-I didn't k-know you spoke a-another language." I mumbled and traced the tattoo on his right peck of an angel wing.


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"Si. My great grandmother comes from Madrid so my grandfather speaks fluent Spanish and English. My grandfather used to friends with my great grandmother so my dad speaks Spanish as well. My Abuelo taught my mum Spanish as well as my dad as they both raised her." He explained.

"How w-was paisley born?" I looked up at him, leaving my hand where his tattoo is.

"I'm not sure. My Abuelo, grandfather Memphis didn't tell my mum. Nor my aunt autumn or Sebastian. No one knows other then grandpa, my dad and Abuelo, of course Martha knows as well."

I nodded and laid my cheek on his chest again. My finger lightly traced the wing on his peck. Xavier softly grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles then stopped at my wrist.

"Esto nunca cloverá a pasar mi Vida." Xavier whispered then kissed the cuts on my wrist.

"I-I dont u-understand you." I told him.

"This won't happen again, ever."

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