12. I need advice

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Xavier POV

On Sunday, in my house hold its family day. Usually I would tell a little white lie to my mum to get out of it since I never wanted to do it. But ever since Nevah, every Sunday I've stayed at home, my eyes staying on the small girl.

After breakfast, we all sat around the table in the living room playing monopoly. Of course we do teams, the twins together, my mum and Finn, my dad and Lia, then lastly me and Nevah. Because I never used to play it, it didn't occur to me that if I did, I would play alone. But now she's here, she's my partner.

Hope and Bella chose to be the duck, my mum and Finn the dinosaur, my dad and Lia the dog leaving me and Nevah with the penguin. Throughout the game my mum kept on looking at us, then to my dad with a smile on her face. The amount of times I wanted to say something but kept my mouth shut not wanting to ruin this time for Nevah. She looks like she's really having fun and I don't want to ruin that for her.

See now if it was one of my siblings then I wouldn't have a second thought of saying something as they're used to it. But Nevah next to me made me bite my tongue and keep quiet.

"I'll be back in a second." I called out and got up. I went into the kitchen for a drink to calm my nerves. The need to kiss her senseless still very prominent from earlier this morning. Even six hours later I want to mark her up with hickeys and kiss her until she can barely breath. It scares me.

It scares me because I have never felt this way about someone in my life. Not one girl has caught my eye like Nevah has other than ones that look decent enough to fuck. But now I can't even get hard without thinking of her. I still can't get it out of my head, or understand how my fourteen year old sisters best friend became my first proper crush. God I sound like a fucking pussy.

"Xavier?" I heard that sweet, angelic voice. I turned around to see her stood at the kitchen door with her eyes trailing up my chest looking at all my tattoos then my eyes.

"What's up?" I asked trying not to smirk at her wondering eyes around my body.

"C-can I-I h-have a d-drink p-please?" Her voice just above a whisper.

"Of course. What do you want?"

"D-do y-you h-have a-any d-dr p-pepper?" Nevah blushed and looked down. I walked over to her and lifted her head up by her chin with my thumb and forefinger.

"You can have anything you want." I told her and let my thumb run across her bottom lip. Nevah took in a sharp breath then I let her lip go. A smirk came to my lips when I walked away and started making her a drink. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and the fizzy drink from the fridge and ice in the freezer.

Once it was done, I handed her the glass with a wink. Her cheeks went impossibly more red making me look at her in awe from the cuteness.

"T-thank y-you." Nevah whispered and went back into the living room with my family. What is going on with me? I have no one to talk to. My mum will make a big deal about it, I can't go to my dad because he'll tell my mum, Lia will look at me like I'm some perv who likes little girls. And there is no way I'm telling one of the twins, Nevah is their best friend.

So I did the only logical thing I could. I went up to my room, grabbed my phone, car keys and wallet. I slipped on a T-shirt and left the house. A text came through on my phone from my mum.

Madre💕: are you ok bebito? Where are you going? Xx

When I got to a red light, I quickly typed in a reply.

Me: all good. Just going to Abuelos and grandpas for a bit. I need to talk to them about something. Xx

Madre💕: ok, be safe bebito. Love you xx

Me: love you to xx

After that I turned off my phone and started driving again. Soon enough, I got to my Abuelo and grandpas house where I found them cuddled up on the sofa with their German Shepard. Aunt Gabbie, uncle Chris and Devyn sat with them as well. And none other than my uncle Lewis and aunt Ivory.

"Hello mate, what can we help you with?" Abuelo turned off the tv and looked at me.

"Hi." I breathed out. "I need advice." I sighed and sat down next to Lewis and Ivory.

"With what? A problem shared is a problem halved." Uncle Chris laughed.

"Only if." I mumbled and put my head in my hands with my elbows on my knees.

"What's going on? Is your mum and dad ok? What about the kids?" Grandpa asked me.

"They're fine. At home playing monopoly with Nevah." I told him.

"So what's going on?" Lewis got back to the subject.

"Ok. So my friend has this little sister. She's fourteen and has a friend that's also fourteen. He really likes the friend but doesn't know what to do since he's practically an adult and she's under sixteen. He asked me for some advice and I don't know what to do." I explained.

My grandpas gave each other knowing looks, like they already know this friend is me. It mind boggles me how these men know everything.

"Ok, so say this 'friend' is infatuated with the girl," Abuelo started. "I'd tell him to wait until she makes a move or he waits until she's sixteen."

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