22. Caught

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Xavier POV

When Nevah and I had finally decided to get out of bed, we had a shower then went downstairs. A note was on the kitchen counting saying the others went out for breakfast but we weren't awake and they didn't want to wake us.

"Want some breakfast? We can go out if you want." I looked at Nevah.

"I-I don't h-have any money." She replied.

"I didn't ask that." I chuckled lightly and pulled her to me by her waist. "Where should we go? We can go to McDonald's, spoons or somewhere else."

"W-what's spoons?" Nevah asked in a whisper.

"You've never been to spoons. Oh dios mío. Ok, let's go. I am going to take your spoons virginity." I stated. "It's a pub but you can eat there. Breakfast lunch and dinner, but then you can go for a night out and have drinks. Come on, you'll like it."
(Oh my god)

We both put our shoes on and left. We got in my car and went to Wetherspoons for breakfast.

When we got there. We sat down and looked over the breakfast menu. Well, I didn't because I know what I want... other than Nevah, but that's not the point.

"What can I get for you?" A waitress came over. She eyed me up which made Nevah glare and her cheeks heat up.

I coughed to break the tension. "I'll take a full English thanks."

"And for your sister?" The girl said yet didn't take her eyes off me. It was making me uncomfortable really. And the fact that I have my girlfriend here. It's not like I could tell her that I have a girlfriend because of the age gap. I mean, it's not the age gap itself it's the ages. I'm an adult now and Nevah's a minor. If the wrong person got a whiff of this then I could end badly.

"I'll have a bacon sandwich." Nevah spat out. She didn't even use manners so I know for a fact she's pisses at the girl.

"Be right up." The waitress scoffed. She didn't even write Nevah's order down.

I moved out of my seat and leaned in front of the small 4'11 girl. I took her hands in mine and kissed her knuckles seeing as I can't exactly kiss her in public. Not yet anyway.

"I love you, and only you. No one else, not another person. Ok?" I kissed her knuckles again. "Don't get jealous because of some waitress that wants something she can't have. You've got something she can't, and won't ever have. Alright? I love you."

"I love you to." Nevah nodded and lifted my hands to kiss my knuckles. I chuckled and stood up leaving a kiss on her forehead. I sat back down and made conversation with her while we waited for our food.

Ten minutes later, mine came out but not Nevah's. You've got to be kidding me. What is it with girls being jealous and taking it out on the other girl because she's with the boy. I'm no saint either, but that's beside the point.

I called over a waiter this time, scrawny little fella really.

"How can I help you?" He looked between me and Nevah.

"Uh, this waitress took our order, and my sister hasn't got her food yet." I stated. "She didn't write it down either."

"Fuck sake." The boy mumbled. "I'm so sorry. What did she order?"

"A bacon sandwich." I told him.

"Ok. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. It'll be with you in five minutes." He said then walked away.

Once again I made conversation with Nevah. I didn't touch my food wanting to eat with her. That's how meals work isn't it, I don't even care if it's cold, I just want to eat with my girlfriend.

The food came out and we started eating together while talking about anything and everything.

Once we were done eating, we went back home only to find it empty. I took this opportunity to pick up Nevah. She squealed and held on tight around my neck as I spun around with her.

When I stopped, I looked at her beautiful face and pushed her hair back. After that I didn't wait to capture her lips with mine in a soft kiss. I walked over to the sofa and laid her down on it, with me between her legs holding her close to my chest.

"Ah hem." Someone cleared their throat. I snapped my head up to see my mum, dad, liana, the twins and Finn stood by the door.

"Mierda." I mumbled as I looked at my family... still laid on top of Nevah.

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