67. Owen Lucas

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Xavier POV

My phone buzzed in my pocket only a couple hours after owen was born. While sitting on the chair next to Nevah's sleeping form, I pulled my phone out and saw a FaceTime call coming from Finn.

"Hey." I answered tiredly.

"Hey. How are you and Nevah?" My little brother smiled through the phone.

"Good. Nevah's passed out but she's good. Glad he's here now." I chuckled a little.

"Where is he? I want to see my grandson." My mum snatched the phone from Finn's hands. I rolled my eyes and put my phone on the bed. Carefully, I picked up my son and cradled him in my arms. When I sat down, I held him with one arm while the other held up the phone.

"You've got to be quiet mum. He's asleep and so is Nevah." I told her.

"Ok whatever. Show me." She smiled. I turned the phone so it showed my sons small face.

"Oh he's beautiful. Logan look." Mum got dad. He came on to the screen and awed at the small baby in my arms.

"That Abuelo, owen." I smiled down at my son.

"He's definitely got our genes. Gonna be a looker when he's older." Dad chuckled.

"Yeah. Nevah's obsessed with him. She just wanted to hold him. I had to wait until she fell asleep until I could take him." I smiled at my wife's sleeping form. "But she just wants to be the best mum she can be. Prevent owen from having a childhood like she did." I sighed a little.

"You can't blame her either. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't let anyone hold him other than herself and you, until he's at least a year old. No one can blame her if that does happen." Dad smiled sadly.

"Hey!" Mum gasped. "I at least want to hold him once."

"Ma it's not that easy." I sighed.

"I know bebito, but he looks so cute and cuddly." She gushed.

"I know. But let Nevah have her time. Let her get used to having him before she lets anyone hold him." I told her. "Now give the phone back to Finn, I bet he's sulking on the sofa."

My dad turned the camera to show my little brother with a grumpy face as he sat on the sofa. I chuckled lightly being careful of owen sleeping in my arms.

"Thank." Finn huffed and turned the camera so it was on his face. "Can I see him now?"

I turned my phone, once again showing my son. Finn awed at him and started asking a bunch of questions.

"How much did he weigh."

"He's way smaller than what I thought because Nevah was so big with him while pregnant. But he came to 6 pounds 7 ounces." I told him.

"Wow. You'd think he'd be a bigger baby." Finn laughed a little.

"Yeah I know. But then again I wasn't a big baby either, and by the looks of Nevah she was a tiny baby to. So maybe he won't be as tall as me, but a bit bigger than Nevah. You never know." I looked down at my son.

"How was Nevah when she had him?" Finn asked.

"Scared. She was terrified. The look on her face when the dr told her to start pushing. But she got through it and barely remembers any pain because she's so focused on owen now." I gently chuckled.

"How are you doing? Bet your shifting bricks." Finn laughed.

"Yeah, but isn't every man who is a first time dad. I guess it's the thought of them being so small and fragile, you think you're going to break them. Because let's face it, I'm not exactly a twig like some men am I?" I smiled.

"True. I can't wait to meet him. I'll let you go so you don't have to worry about breaking him or dropping the phone on his head." He chuckled. "And I don't have to have mum glaring at me because I'm seeing owen more and not her." He rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Alright mate. I'll speak you later." I chuckled a little.

"Bye." Finn smiled and I hung up. I put my phone on the bed next to Nevah so I could use both of my arms to hold owen. His small face against my chest, his body swaddled in a blanket Nevah got him. 

Soon enough, Nevah woke up from her nap and looked at me. We both smiled at each other while I rocked owen a little. Soft snores filling the room, a trait he gets from his mum.

"How you feeling abeja." I asked her.

"Sore, but I'm ok." She replied.

"Finn called. Mum was a bit jealous." I told her, rolling my eyes with a smile.

"Would it be selfish of me if I told everyone they couldn't hold him yet?" Nevah looked at me.

"No. Me and dad were talking about that on the phone. Everyone will understand and it's ok. Mum will be upset but she'll get over it. No one blames you for being protective." I stood up and laid owen on her chest. Her hands going to his back and bum to hold him up.

"Are you sure?" Nevah looked up at me with her eyes glossed over.

"Of course. As long as you let me hold him every once in a while I'm ok. But it's a mother's nature to be protective, how do you think they work with animals in the wild? A mother always knows because it's instinct. It's ok." I rested my forehead on hers.

"Ok. Love you." She nodded.

"I love you to." I pecked her lips a few times.

"Finns excited to see him." I chuckled. "I think maybe we should let him hold first. Make everyone jealous." I winked at her with a chuckle.

"That's so mean." Nevah rolled her eyes. "He'll be a good uncle."

"Yeah he will."

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