28. What happened

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Xavier POV

As soon as Nevah walked away from me, my heart broke. Heartbreak. The worst thing in this world, love is the most powerful thing but one small slip up can cause the worst thing.

The girl from upstairs came down and smirked at me. She went to kiss me but I pushed her away before she got the chance. It's Melanie from college, a girl that is obsessed with me. She goes round telling everyone that I've slept with her. One time she told everyone she was pregnant with my baby but had a miscarriage so she could have attention. She's just an attention seeking whore that I haven't even slept with.

And if I do go to a party to sleep with someone, it's no from my college. But ever since the first day I set my eyes on Nevah I've kept it on my pants. The only time I got it out sexually is for Nevah. The only girl who I've actually ever settling down with, to make her my wife and have kids with. I know we're both young but it's true. If I ever get a second chance I won't lose that trust, I'll buy her a promise ring and give it her.

I'll promise to hold her when she's sad, to comfort her when she needs it most, to make her laugh and make sure it stays that way. And I'll promise most of all to give her all my love and not share it until there's another person calling her mummy. Our children.

"Get the fuck out Melanie. We're not together, I'm not yours. I never have been and never will be. Get it in your thick fucking dumb head that your just an attention seeking bitch. I haven't slept with you ever, and will never. My dick has never been near you at all. So get it through this dumb shit of a head and wake up. Get the fuck out of my house, don't even talk to me again." I yelled at her and pushed her out of the house.

Just then I was kicked in the balls by my sister. Hope stood in front of me while I was hunched over cupping my junk.

"I told you not to hurt her." Hope glared at me and went back over to my parents.

"What happened?" My mum looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. My dad looked disappointed yet he still held love for me. I know they both saw Nevah as a daughter, and I hurt her.

"I don't want to talk about it." I mumbled and went back to my room. I slammed the door shut and paced the floor. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I gripped my hair with my hands.

"Think. Remember." I shouted at myself. My hands smacking my head. I need to remember, somehow prove to Nevah I didn't cheat. Yet nothing came up. And it was proof enough, I went to a party, I drank, she found me the next morning with Melanie in my bed naked.

I sat down on the floor leaning against my head. All I could do was let the tears fall. I felt so much pain, but I don't think it comes as close to what Nevah felt. That small 4'11, dirty blonde hair, light brown eyed girl who changed my life for the better. Who made me the better version of myself. The only girl I love more than my family.

The need to feel something else other than this pain was indescribable. A knock came at my bedroom door, I couldn't even get myself to answer. It opened and in came my sister. Liana stood there with sadness on her face as she looked at me. The same look my mum gave me ten minutes ago.

Lia didn't waste time coming over to me and wrapping her arms around me. I sobbed on her shoulder letting it all out to my sister. Telling her how much I'm hurting without actually saying anything.

"Shh, Shh. It's ok. Let it all out." The soft voice of my sister came. Even when I was little she was one of few who could calm me. Soon after, my bedroom door opened again. In came my Abuelo.

"I'll be back." Liana kissed my cheek and left my room. By Abuelo sat next to me, which I let my head fall on his shoulder.

"I hate myself." I whispered brokenly.

"What happened? Your mum is worried." Abuelo sighed.

"I went to a party last night. I swear I only had one drink, but I guess I didn't. Nevah walked in this morning to me and a bitch at school." I told him. "I can't even remember anything. All I remember is leaving Nevah, ending up at the party and playing spin the bottle. Then i wake up to Nevah crying."

"I told Nevah I'd only have one drink, come home sober and watch a film with her. I swear I only had one drink but my eyes were getting fuzzy quick. And I could feel myself drunk, like I had ten beers not one. It hurts Abuelo, so fucking much." I sobbed again.

"It'll be alright mate." He rubbed my arm and squeezed me to him to give me comfort. "Maybe you did have more than one, or your drink got spiked. And if that's the case you just need proof that you were. Maybe get Lia to help you out. Get her to ask Melanie, befriend her to get the truth. It's always the jealous bitches that do psycho shit."

"Even if i get the proof it doesn't change the fact that I slept with her." I cried out. My heart hurting, it only wanting Nevah to hold me.

"Maybe you didn't. Melanie only got you naked just to say she slept with you. So if anyone else asks you can say you don't remember but you do remember waking up naked with her. It's just a waiting game mate. See if liana will help you." He told me.

Only a waiting game. But how long is it until I can hold my abeja in my arms again.

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