44. Dont start

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Xavier POV

"Xavier." Nevah laughed as I tickled her. Her giggles filled the room while Hurley and Apollo made noise. Hurley licking Nevah's face while Apollo perched on my shoulder squawking.

"S-stop." Nevah tried to get my wrists but I didn't let her. My fingers kept tickling her sides. "Xavier stop." She turned serious.

"You alright baby?" I asked her. Nevah shook her head sitting up. Her eyes closed while she took deep breaths. "Hey, what's going on?"

"I don't feel good." She whispered. "I feel like I'm gonna be sick."

"Want me to get a bucket and a glass of water? Just so you don't have to leave bed?" I said softly. Nevah nodded but didn't move from her sitting position. I jumped up and left our bedroom to go downstairs. Apollo flew into the living room where he sat himself of grandpas shoulder.

"Everything alright?" Abuelo asked me. While I grabbed a bucket and a glass filling it with water.

"I don't know. Nevah isn't feeling well. She said she feels sick." I replied.

"Is she pregnant?" He randomly asked.

"What? No. We had sex over a month ago. I'm sure symptoms would have shown up ages ago." I told him.

"Every girl is different. Your mum didn't find out until she was two months along. Only feeling nauseous, not actually having morning sickness. You never know." He shrugged.

"We used protection. She's not pregnant." I spat out.

"Did it break? You don't know for sure."

"She's not." I yelled.

"What's going on?" Grandpa walked into the kitchen.

"Nothing." I said.

"Nevah might be pregnant." Abuelo told him like it wasn't a big deal.

"She's not pregnant." I growled.

"Have you given her a test? Just to be on the safe side?" Grandpa asked.

"She doesn't need a test because she's not pregnant. We used protection." I told him.

"Ok. Leave it babe." He told Abuelo.

I held the bucket and glass of water and took it up to Nevah.

"She could be. Don't forget paisley and Logan used condoms but look who's here. Maybe we could get her a test just to be sure." I heard Abuelo whisper.

"And if she is?" Grandpa asked him.

"Then we'll help her. I don't know. It's up to her and Xavier."

I ignored them and carried on up to the room. Only to hear Nevah being sick in the bathroom. I dropped the things in my hands and ran to her side. I pulled her hair out of her face in one hand while the other rubbed her back.

"It's ok baby. I've got you. I got you." I told her softly. Goddamn it Abuelo, now you've got me thinking she's pregnant.

"Abeja have you had your period this month?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She nodded before throwing up again. It went on for fifteen minutes then she stopped. Nevah sat back after flushing the toilet while I still rubbed her back.

"Everything alright up here?" Grandpa came in.

"No." Nevah groaned. "I don't feel good." Just then she was hunched over the toilet again.

"Xavier." He sighed.

"She's not. She's had her period this month." I told him.

"Want me to go get one just in case? Just in case." He looked at me. With a sigh, I nodded but kept my eyes on Nevah. Grandpa left the room leaving me and Nevah alone, the only sounds were from her.

After five minutes, she stopped and sat back again. I flushed for her and picked her up laying her on the bed. I set the bucket up so she would only have to lean over the side of the bed is she were to be sick again.

"I don't feel good at all." Nevah cried. Hurley laid his head on her hip whimpering.

"I know baby. Grandpa's just gone to get you something to help." I told her. She nodded and closed her eyes but the tears didn't stop. It pained me to see her like this and not have a clue what's going on. Unless my grandparents are right. They can't be.

Ten minutes later, grandpa walked in and sent me downstairs. Sat in the living room was the whole family, well this is brilliant. Anyone else sense the sarcasm dripping? Just me?

"What's going on?" Cole asked me.

"Nevah's been sick." I sat down and put my hands on my forehead.

"Is she alright?" He sighed.

"I don't know. Grandpa and Abuelo think she's pregnant." I admitted.

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing." Lewis gave me a sad look.

"Because it is. A child can't have a child." I sighed.

"Nevah's not a child." Mum stated.

"Yes she is. Her mind isn't there. She's not like Hope and Izzy is she? She's a fucking child mum. If she's pregnant she'll have to grow up and not be a little girl like she has been the last two years." I snapped.

"Xavier." Abuelo sighed.

"Don't start. You of all people should know how her mind works. Nevah may be sixteen but her mind isn't. Fuck sake, she's still a child." I started crying.

"Grow up Xavier. Nevah isn't a baby anymore." Bella scoffed.

"Fuck you Izzy." I spat out.

"What? It's true. You can't baby her anymore. It's about time she get her head out of the clouds." My sister rolled her eyes.

"Unlike all of us here, she didn't get a childhood like we did. Uncle Lewis didn't have a childhood until Abuelo adopted him. Nevah was beat black and blue, she was cut all over her body from the minute she was put in care. So don't you fucking tell her to grow up. Why don't you get your head out of your arse and be a damn woman and a good friend, instead of sitting down here slagging Nevah off." I yelled.

"Whatever." Bella rolled her eyes and went on her phone.

"Why don't you go and find someone to whore around with. You're not needed here." I glared at her.

"Fine. But how can I be a whore when I'm not the one carrying a baby."

"We've had sex once. One time Bella. How many times have you opened your legs Huh? Three times? Oh wait no, you have a different guy in your bed every night. So don't you fucking start."

"Fuck you Xavier." Isabella spat out and walked off.

"You didn't have to do that." Mum stated.

"Shouldn't call Nevah a whore then." I spat out.

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