60. I didnt wear it for nothing

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Xavier POV

Even after our first dance song ended, Nevah and I stayed on the dance floor, slowly rocking going in a circle. I whispered sweet nothings in her ear, some sexual things which made her giggle and blush. Even with upbeat music where everyone danced to fit the song, Nevah and I stayed in the same position as our first dance.

"Ok, time for what every man has been wanting to cheer on the groom for, even some of the ladies. It's time for the garter to come off." The DJ announced. The room erupted in cheers and whistles.

"Are you wearing one?" I looked at Nevah.

"Y-yes." She whispered.

"I'll only do it if you're comfortable. It's our day, not everyone else's." I told her.

"I didn't wear it for nothing." Her cheeks burned up as she sat on the chair Abuelo put behind us.

"Are you sure?" I smirked a little. Nevah nodded covering her cheeks with her hands. A wider smirk came to my lips as I looked around the room. Everyone in a circle waiting to see me take off my wife's garter.

"Will he keep it PG for the kids and use his hand, or will he be a dirty hot dog and use his teeth?" The DJ got the crowd excited.

I kneeled down on one knee and started pulling Nevah's dress up. Cheers echoed around the room as I went under the material, hiding my head and shoulders from the eyes of everyone. My hands trailed up Nevah's legs as I got the lace lingerie band between my teeth. Making sure to graze my teeth on her skin making her shiver.

When it got to her shin, I came from under the dress and held her leg up on my shoulder. Nevah's cheeks were bright red as I held eye contact with her, pulling down the garter with my teeth. Once it was off, I stood up in front of her, and kissed her hungrily.

I slipped the garter in my suit jacket pocket making all the men groan from me not throwing it.

"It's been on my woman. Get your own." I called out to them.

"Ohhhhh, the groom has spoken. Keeping all of the bride to himself, lucky bastard." The DJ laughed.

"Of course I am." I smirked. I took Nevah's hand in mine and pulled her off the chair where I started the same slow dance we were in before.

Beautiful crazy came on by Luke combs. I sang to Nevah, the song saying what I felt about her and more.

"Beautiful, crazy, she can't help but amaze me, the way that she dances ain't afraid to take chances and wears her heart on her sleeve, yeah she's crazy, but her crazy's beautiful to me." I sang lowly to Nevah.

After an hour of dancing, my mum and dad told us it was time to leave. Nevah and I had bags packed in the car already, thanks to the amazing grandparents I have. I'm sure mum packed Nevah's though. Nate offered to drive us so we didn't have to pay to have our car in the car park for the next two weeks.

Once we said goodbye to everyone, Nevah and I got in the car. Nate in the front while we stayed in the back.

"No sexy time in my car. Even I don't do that." Nate told us.

"Thanks. At least we aren't y'know, sitting in whatever you have." I chuckled a little.

"This is my baby. I would never scar her like that." He rubbed the steering wheel. "There's also a separate bag with clothes for you two to have a comfortable flight."

"Thanks Nate." I smiled at him.

"No problem. It's the least I could do. Besides, I might be able to find a hot flight attendant and have a quickie or something." Nate smirked.

I rolled my eyes at his comment while Nevah laughed.

"You're so blunt Nate." Nevah told him, still laughing.

"What can I say?" He shrugged.

When we got to the airport, we said goodbye to Nate and wished him luck with the flight attendant. Nevah and I went to the closest toilets to change into, we chose to go in a mixed toilet so I could help her take the dress off. In the end I was in joggers and a T-shirt, while Nevah had on leggings and one of my T-shirt's.

Once on the plane and in the air, Nevah had fallen asleep on my shoulder. This woman on the middle isle kept looking at me, eyeing me up. In the end I just showed her my wedding ring and Nevah's to show that I wasn't interested. In all honesty it made me really uncomfortable and I wanted to throw up in my mouth, she must have been at least thirty years older. And when I showed her the rings, she huffed and slumped back in her seat.

After we landed, I got both mine and Nevah's suitcases off the conveyor belt and made our way to see where we were staying and the rent car. Nevah waited patiently on a chair speaking to an elderly couple from what I could see.

After a while, I was able to get the place we were staying and the car keys to the rent car. Nevah said goodbye to the couple and told me they were visiting for their 59th anniversary.

Soon enough, we got to the place we were staying. Nevah's eyes widened as she looked at the huts in a line. We both got our luggage and looked for our hut that was reserved for us. Once found, Nevah dropped her bag and ran in. Even from the outside I could hear her giggles which instantly put a smile on my face.

"Do you like it baby?" I wrapped my arms around Nevah's waist as she stood on the decking bit

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"Do you like it baby?" I wrapped my arms around Nevah's waist as she stood on the decking bit. The bags in the bedroom which led to the decking looking out on the clear water. The moonlight casting a beautiful glow on my wife's face.

"I love it

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"I love it. But where are we?" She giggled.

"Bora bora. It's a nice, relaxing place where it can just be the two of us. Most people here are either just married or on an anniversary holiday so we won't get noise complaints." I chuckled, rubbing my hands up and down her arms.

"I'm tired. I don't want to do anything tonight." Nevah yawned.

"Yeah same. Come on, let's sleep." I pulled her back into the bedroom and shut the doors to the decking. We both just got into bed seeing as we were in comfortable clothes anyway. We both fell asleep in each other's arms...

Waiting to see what this honeymoon will bring us.

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