64. You have to wait

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Nevah POV

I ripped my body from Xavier's strong hold and ran into the bathroom. I hunched over the toilet letting everything in my stomach come up. My hair was pulled from around my face and a warm hand rubbing my back. Xavier sleepily whispered sweet comforting things in my ear as I threw up.

Ten minutes later, I flushed the toilet and sat back on the floor against the bath tub.

"You ok abeja?" Xavier held my hand as he sleepily looked at me.

"Yeah. Go back to bed. You haven't been asleep that long." I told him. He had work last night and didn't come home until 3:00am, it's now 5:00am.

"No." He shook his head. "You're sick, let me take care of you."

"And you've only had two hours of sleep. Please baby, go back to bed." I begged him.

"Fine. Let me get you a glass of water first." He stated and got up. I nodded and let go of his hand. Not long after, Xavier came back into the room with a glass of water.

"I love you." He kissed the up of my head.

"I love you to." I smiled at him. When he left the bathroom, I waited until he fell asleep. Once his snores filled my ears, I shut the door quietly and drank the glass of water in one.

I pulled out the box of pregnancy tests Danny has bought me. I had told him how many times Xavier and I had done in over our honeymoon. Now a month later I'm feeling the symptoms, and that I haven't had my period yet which was supposed to come after we came home.

Quickly, I took three of them and waited for the results. After five minutes, I rose a shaky hand and turned a three over.

Xavier POV

When I woke up, Nevah was having dinner with Abuelo and grandpa. I smiled and pecked her lips a couple times before getting a drink. It's been a month since our honeymoon and Nevah's bruises had healed.

I sat down with the others to which Abuelo and grandpa left us to be on our own. As Nevah ate we spoke about anything and everything.

"I was thinking we could go out tonight. Got to Nate's and have a few drinks." I suggested.

"I'm not feeling drinking for a while. Maybe a walk along the beach? Watch the sunset like old times." Nevah told me.

"Ok." I smiled at her. "Are you feeling alright now? From being sick this morning."

"Yeah, loads better. Guess it was something i ate." She replied. I nodded, we both fell into a conversation until she finished her food. After, we both went up to our room to change into something for the summer breeze of the evening.

Soon enough, we were walking along the beach with our shoes in one hand and our hands intwined with the other. The sun was almost down casting a soft blue glow.

"Want to swim?" Nevah asked me.

"We don't have anything to wear." I chuckled and stopped walking.

"We don't have to wear anything." She shrugged. A huge smile broke out on my face as we both stayed taking our clothes off. Once naked, Nevah and I went into the water. It came up to my torso but Nevah's neck, so I picked her up making her legs wrap around my waist.

"I've been thinking, now that we're married and we have a little one on the way, we could get our own house." Nevah told me. Her chin on my shoulder, so I pulled her back.

"A what?" I looked at her, thinking I was hearing things. "What did you just say?"

"Maybe we could move out?" She replied but more of a question.

"No. Before that." I told her.

Nevah giggled and smiled. "A little one on the way." She bit her bottom lip.

"You're pregnant?" I asked.

"Yeah." She nodded with a smile. Tears falling down her cheeks as I looked at her.

I was speechless, all I could do was pull her to me and kiss her. "I'm gonna be a dad." I said against her lips.

"Yeah. And I'm gonna be a mum." Nevah laughed through her tears.

"I love you." I smiled widely at her. I swam back to the sand and spun around with Nevah clinging to me. I placed her on her feet before kneeling and holding her hips. I kissed her belly all over and hugged her. My cheek on her belly as Nevah ran her hands through my hair.

"Are you happy?" Nevah asked me.

"Doesn't even come close to what I'm feeling." I smiled up at her. I stood up and kissed her again holding her in place so I could tell her how I was feeling in that one kiss.

When we got back home, we sat Abuelo and grandpa down.

"So what's going on?" Grandpa looked between Nevah and I.

"We're moving out." I told them.

"Are you sure? You don't have to." They both frowned a little.

"I think it's best. Give the baby they're own space." I stated.

"Finally!" Grandpa cheered.

"We're gonna be great grandparents." Abuelo yelled. Nevah and I laughed at them.

"Names, what's names?" Grandpa asked us.

"We've spoken about it. And we're not going to tell anyone until he or she is here." I chuckled and put my hand on Nevah's belly.

"You wanted that. I want to tell everyone because it's such a beautiful name." My wife pouted a little.

"Please tell us." Grandpa begged us.

"Nope. You have to wait until the baby is born." I told him.

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