54. Shave the beard

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Xavier POV

"We would like to ask you some questions. Stand up, turn around and we'll take you to the station." One of them told me.

I nodded and stood up to which Nevah held my hand tightly. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "It'll be ok. Memphis and Danny will be here in a minute." I told her.

I stood up straight again and put my hands behind my back and let the officer lead me outside. When we got outside, I saw Abuelo and grandpa getting out of their car.

"Nevah's inside." I told them before being put into the car. They both ran inside and came back out holding a sobbing Nevah. Both the officers got in the car and started driving.

Soon enough, we got to the police station where I was taken to a questioning room. They sat me down and took off the hand cuffs. One of them sat down while the other left the room.

"Do you want anything? A drink?" The officer asked me.

"No thanks." I replied.

"Ok. I'm officer Hadley but you can call me Tony. I just need to ask you a few questions regarding the phone call mr Howard made. The young man at the pharmacy." He told me.

"Ask away." I said.

"How old are you? And the young lady you were with?" Tony asked.

"I'm twenty two and she's eighteen." I told him.

"Ok. Can I see some ID?" I nodded and pulled out my wallet to give him my ID. He looked it over and nodded giving it back to me. "And what is your relations with the girl?"

"She's my fiancé. I proposed tonight actually." I told him.

"Ah congratulations. What's the occasion?" Tony smiled a little.

"It's her birthday. I've been wanting to propose to her for a long while now." I replied.

"Ok. So she's your fiancé. The man said you were forcing the girl. Do you know what he could mean by that?" Tony questioned me.

"Sex I'm guessing." I took a deep breath. "I was buying morning after pills. Nevah, my fiancé wanted to try it without protection but I told her we couldn't because she would get pregnant. But the look on her face made me change my mind, so we went to the pharmacy. Once there she looked around while I got the pills. When we got to the til the man was giving us looks, looks of disgust. He said I was thirty and I was forcing Nevah. She stutters a lot so he must have thought she was lying and he called the police. And here we are." I explained.

"Who were the men the went to your fiancé?"

"My grandparents. They adopted her four years ago." I told him.

"Do you know why?"

"She was abused in the care home she was in. We had enough of seeing her hurt so we adopted her. I moved out of my parents house and in with my grandparents so I could be with her." I replied.

"Alright." Tony nodded jotting down notes. "And how long has your relationship been going on for?"

"Four years and a bit."

"What ages were you both?" He kept his eyes on the note book waiting for my reply.

"She was fourteen, I was eighteen." I gulped.

"How did you meet?"

"My little sisters. They're twins and befriended Nevah at school. I guess our relationship just happened." I shrugged a little.

"How so?" Tony looked at me.

"My parents and younger siblings went out for the day. I had to clean my room and work on my motorcycle so I didn't go. Nevah knocked the door with a jacket covered in blood. I helped clean her up. She started hyperventilating so I kissed her to calm her down. I don't know why, I just did. That happened a month after we met." I told him. 

"Ok. And where did the blood come from?" Tony asked.

"Cuts, they covered her chest, belly and arms and back. She told me boys did it because the man that owned the care home told them to. She would turn up with bruises and cuts. Some deep and some not so much. Neither of which needed hospital attention because he obviously didn't want to draw attention to himself."

"Ok. Enough about that." He sighed. "Is there any sexual activities? Or was tonight going to be the first time?"

I gulped, my hands sweating as I held them together playing with my fingers nervously.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Anything particular?" Tony looked at me.

"At first it was only oral. Then it turned into sex." I replied.

"And how old were you both?"

"I was twenty and she was sixteen when I took her virginity."

"Was it mutual? No forcefulness at all?"

"No. I took it slow with her. I gave her time to tell me to stop if she wanted to. It was all mutual and I made sure she wanted it before we started and throughout it." I told him.

"That's all." Tony stood up. "Fucking people can't keep their mouths shut." He mumbled.

"By the sounds of it, this was all a misunderstanding." He grumbled.

"I won't be arrested? I'm not going to prison?" I stood up to.

"No. There's nothing I can do either. She was a consenting adult, and you don't seem like the type to force others." Tony shrugged. "Go be with your girl and celebrate on the engagement. Sorry for arresting you on such a happy occasion."

"It's ok. I guess he was just looking out for Nevah." I sighed.

"Yeah. And shave the beard. You do look older than you are." He chuckled. I let a small one out as well. Tony let me out of the room where I walked to the waiting room. Sat there was my mum, dad, Abuelo, grandpa and a crying Nevah.

When she saw me, she immediately stood up and ran to my arms. She jumped at me, which I caught her wrapping my arms tightly around her. Her sobs filling my ears as I let a few tears fall.

"Y-you're n-not l-leaving m-me a-are y-you?" Nevah asked me, her face buried in the crook of my neck.

"No baby." I shook my head. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Gracias a dios." Abuelo mumbled making me chuckle. (Thank god)

"Come on. Let's get you all home." Dad put his hand on my shoulder. I moved Nevah up my body so I could wrap her legs around my waist. Her arms tightly wrapped around my neck as I carried her back to the hotel.

"Where's your cars?" I looked at my family.

"Hotel." They all told me. I nodded and we all walked back to the hotel.

"I told you I wasn't leaving didn't I?" I rubbed Nevah's back.

"I know. But you could of." She sobbed. I pecked her neck and tightened my arms around her back a little.

"I love you. I will never leave you." I told her truthfully.

"I love you to." Nevah planted a kiss on my neck just like I did with her.

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