30. Daddy Nate

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Xavier POV

"What can I get for you?" I smiled at a group of men and women. They all looked like couples but you can never be sure.

"Nostros no hablamos ingles perdon." One of the men told me. He looked annoyed at himself he couldn't understand me. They must be on holiday. (We don't speak english, sorry)

"Sin preocupaciones. Qué puedo conseguir para todos ustedes?" I chuckled a little. (No worries. What can I get for you all)

"Seis cervezas por favor." The same man requested. I nodded and went over to the fridge for the beers.
(Six beers please) "Cuanto cuesta?"
(How much does it cost)

"Seis libras cuarenta." I told him. He gave me the money and went off with the group. (Six pound forty)

I out the money in the register, even with the tip. I never take the tips, so Nate writes down what I get with tips and gives it to me after the shift. I tell him not to but it ends up in a screaming match between me and Nate, so in the end I take it. Not because i give up, because Nate is fucking stubborn and I get fed up of it. So to make Nate happy, I take the tips, most of which is because people want to hook up with me.

"So how come you're bored? You haven't worked here in over two months." Nate came over to me as I made a mojito for a customer.

"Because I've been with Nevah." I told him. "I've been busy with her."

"Oh, who's Nevah?" He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at me. Reminds me of uncle Lewis really.

"My girlfriend." I closed my eyes for a second with a sigh. "Ex girlfriend."

"What happened?" Nate asked while I gave the man his drink.

"That'll be four ninety nine." I told him. He gave me a fiver to which he said keep the change which was one pence anyway.

"We broke up." I sighed. "She caught me in bed with another girl and left."

"Dumb fuck." Nate slapped me around the back of the head. "Eres tonto?" He spat out. "Have I taught you nothing. Daddy Nate's here to teach you." He states. "When you have a labelled relationship," he started. "You don't sleep with other girls." He slapped the back of my head again. (Are you stupid)

"I didn't mean for it to happen. I don't even think I slept with the girl. Melanie, it was Melanie. Abuelo thinks she spiked my drink, took me home and got me naked. It could be a set up. Liana is helping me to try and get her to confess so I can show it to Nevah and get back with her." I told him. "I went to a party and told Nevah I'd be back sober. That didn't happen and now I've lost her, but I plan on getting her back. Even if she doesn't forgive me straight away I'll get her. Even if it's the last thing I go."

With that I walked away to the next customer and took their drink order. Maybe I should have stayed in bed.

Once the shift ended, I stood by my locker looking at my phone. Nothing from my parents, I was hoping Nevah had shown up so I could see her again even just a little.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in that deep with her. If you need anything, and I mean anything just call. Even if it's for a lads night and I close the bar so you can have a pity party." Nate put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's ok. I guess I'm just lost without her." I sighed. Nate turned me away from my locker to hug me. Only to then feel Nate put something in my back pocket.

"Have a good night mate. Say hello to paisley and Logan for me." Nate smiled at me then walked off. I rolled my eyes knowing it was the tips I earned. I pulled the money from my pocket to see a hefty amount.

With a sigh I put all the money in my wallet where there was a picture of Nevah. The day I took her to bird world and she had a budgie in her head and she was smiling.

I got all my stuff and went home. Only to see a worried looking mum. My heart dropped thinking the worst... of Nevah.

Nevah POV

I laid on the floor in Johns office. Once again covered in cuts and bruises forming. Cuts that were deep, some not, but all very much bleeding a hefty amount. Tears streamed down my cheeks, i just want to be cuddled up with Xavier. Not on the floor in a puddle of my own blood.

With all the strength I could muster up, I was able to stand. Once again grabbing a jacket and leaving the care home. Deja vu hitting me like a ton of bricks from the first time this happened. I went to Hope and Bella's house, where Xavier helped me.

The last week we've been apart have been hell for me. John, Philip and their goons have been hurting me, but not as bad as tonight. It was 10:30pm, darkness surrounded me as I walked the empty streets, the only thing lighting the way was the street lamps.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I tried to keep my eyes open and pushed myself to keep walking.

Thankfully the familiar house came into view as I got closer. I knocked on the door and leaned against the wall to keep myself up.

"Nevah?" He asked. All I did was close my eyes, the last thing I saw was my face getting closer to the floor. Then it all go black.

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