52. I love you

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Xavier POV

I parked the car in the car park and got out with mine and Nevah's bags in my hand. Nevah's hand in the other keeping her close to me. I could see the worry in her eyes as she looked at all the people in the lobby of the hotel.

"It's ok abeja. We don't have to be here." I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"N-no. C-can we just, can we just get to our room please." Nevah cuddled up to my side. I kissed the top of her head and wrapped my arm over her shoulders.

I quickly signed in and got the key card to our room. I thanked the woman at reception and led Nevah over to the lift where we entered with a few other people.

Once I found the room, I set our bags down and kissed Nevah's neck. "We've got reservations at a restaurant near by. I bought you a dress for the occasion." I told her.

"O-ok." She nodded. I went into out bags and pulled out her dress. We both showered together after I laid our clothes out on the bed. After that, we both got out and dressed.

Nevah wore a white dress with thin straps and a slit going up her leg. I didn't realise it would go that high which made me on edge thinking about all the men that would look at her. At least I'm with her though. That's all that matters.

I put on black suit trousers, black shirt and black dress shoes. Don't judge, the only time I will wear a full suit is when I marry Nevah, and that's a promise. As I put on my cufflinks I turned around to see my beautiful girlfriend stood in her dress. Black heels to match my clothes as well.

I gulped feeling my member grow just looking at her. My eyes stayed on the slit that seemed to show a tiny bit of her thong she was wearing. Showing her smooth tan legs more than i would like. Damn that girl at the dress shop. A girl I went to school with, of course she would do this.

"D-do you not like it?" Nevah's soft voice filled my ears.

"Like it? Baby I love it. But you've got way too much skin showing. I don't want to be one of those boyfriends but it's a little much. I mean I can see your panties baby. I absolutely love it but I just don't want other men seeing what's mine." I walked up to her wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I can change. O-or take them off." Nevah told me.

"I think it might be best. What everyone else doesn't know won't hurt them." I smiled a little at her. "And after dinner we can come straight back and do what you want."

"D-does that mean we can't make love?" Her cheeks turned bright red.

"If that's what you want to do then I don't mind. But if you want to do something else then we can." I placed my hand on her cheek rubbing my thumb gently.

"O-ok. Let's go." Nevah quickly took off her panties and gave them to me. I smirked and put them in my trouser pocket. Nevah gave me a look of 'don't forget that,' I only gave her a smirk back and took her hand in mine.

When we got to the restaurant, I got our table and followed the waiter to the table. Men's eyes turned to look at Nevah, trailing their eyes up and down her body. Even some women looked as well with lust filled eyes. I wrapped my arm securely around her waist placing my large hand at the top of her slit covering some of her skin from prying eyes.

"T-thank you." Nevah whispered up at me. I sent her a little wink letting her know I have her. Once we sat down, we started a conversation about anything and everything. Seeing Nevah blush from my sexual innuendos and reaching my hand under the table to touch her leg a little. All I got was a playful glare from her with a giggle after.

"Nevah." I said.

"What?" She smiled at me. A sight I will never get over, a sight I want to always see on her face as it lights up. A happiness in her eyes that I want to forever stay there where I have a clear view of it.

"I love you." I told her sincerely. The truth coming from my lips as I looked at her. My face full of seriousness with nothing but truth in my eyes and the love I have for this girl.

A small smile came to her lips. Her eyes glossing over a little with her bottom lip quivering. "I love you to." Confidence coming through with the same look in her eyes as I have. Serious about what she was saying.

"Hello, what can I get for you tonight?" A waitress smiled, looking between Nevah and I. Never staying on one of us for too long.

"I'll have a steak, medium rare with a bottle of wine for me and my girlfriend. Unless you want something else." I looked at Nevah.

"I-I'm too young to drink." She blushed a little.

"What everyone doesn't know won't hurt them. And for you miss?" The waitress laughed a little.

"I'll have the same as him thank you." Nevah replied. She nodded and wrote down the order and took our menus before walking away.

When we finished our food, Nevah and I went back to our hotel room. I opened the door to see it lit up by candles by the tv and on the bedside tables. Rose petals on the bed with some other decorations.

"H-how did you do this?" Nevah asked keeping her eyes on the bed

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"H-how did you do this?" Nevah asked keeping her eyes on the bed.

"I had my mum and dad come do it for us. Just to make your birthday one to remember." I told her. My hands held her hips as I placed a few kisses on her neck and shoulder before I pulled away.

I leaned down on one knee pulling out the box in my pocket and opening it. Nevah turned around and gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest, I thought Nevah would be able to hear it.

"Nevah Leigh Conway, you are my best friend and lover in one. I can't explain to you how much I love you and how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. The only way I can show you how much I love you is to put this ring on your finger or a baby, which none of us are ready for. But I love you to the ends of the earth and I can't ask for a better person to be by my side than you. To wake up next to, or go to sleep holding in my arms. You got my head out of my arse when I needed it most. When I was losing my way and distancing myself from my family for friends that only wanted to get drunk and high. You're my forever Nevah, always have and will always be. I don't want to introduce you to people as my girlfriend anymore, I want to call you my wife. So will you, Nevah make me the happiest man and do the honour of marrying me?"

Tears fell down her cheeks as she looked at me. My heart almost beating out of my chest as I looked up at her.

Then she said it...

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