51. In your own time

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Nevah POV

After a long day of staying in bed with Xavier, eating snacks and watching films cuddled up, we went downstairs. Danny and Memphis were sat in the kitchen eating their dinner.

"Morning, or should I say afternoon." Memphis smirked as Danny chuckled a little.

"We didn't do anything." Xavier rolled his eyes and took a couple chips from Memphis' plate.

"Yeah help yourself won't you." He glared at his grandson. I giggled and took one as well getting a playful glare from Memphis. "What time are you two love birds leaving?"

"Why? You and grandpa want some heat in the sheets?" Xavier chuckled.

"Yes I do actually. Unlike you two we have a lot of work. So this weekend while you're away I can be as rough and loud as I want." Memphis winked at his husband.

"Nice." Xavier smiled and fist bumped his grandfather.

"So weird." Danny and I rolled our eyes together. I sat next to him while Xavier and Memphis were laughing in their own little world.

"Are you excited?" Danny asked me.

"A little. I guess I'm so used to sleeping here that I'm nervous about leaving, y'know." I sighed a little.

"Xavier is with you. He'll protect you I promise." He smiled softly at me.

"I know he will. I-I'm really nervous." I giggled a little.

"He loves you Nevah. I'm sure it'll be fine. You'll have a great time I know it." Danny smiled reassuringly at me. I nodded and carried on with a lighter conversation.

"Are you ready to go?" Xavier asked me. I nodded and stood up.

"Don't we need to pack?" I looked up at the tall man.

"No baby. I packed for us last night. The bags are in the car." He replied.

"Ok. Love you guys. See you Monday." I kissed Danny and Memphis' cheeks then went back to Xavier's side.

"Bye darling. Have a good time." Danny smiled at me.

"Be safe. Don't get pregnant. This family has seen enough teen pregnancies to last them a lifetime and more. Stay protected and have fun." Memphis smirked.

"Don't smirk Abuelo. I don't know about grandpa but it's a little creepy." Xavier smirked as well.

"Same here. I'm not sure about Nevah but you look creepy as hell. Now go before you're late." He ushered us out of the house.

We all shouted bye then got in the car. And for sure there was two bags in the back seats. As Xavier drove we kept a light conversation going. My heart was pounding in my chest from what tonight could lead to. I know we'll be making love but that's it. I have no idea what Xavier has planned for us and I'm nervous. Really excited but nervous.

"Calm abeja. It's ok. We don't have to go if you don't want to. I can turn around now." Xavier put his hand on my thigh.

"N-no. I'm ok. Just nervous, butterflies and all that." I told him.

"Are you sure. We don't have to go all the way to the hotel. We can just go to the one close by incase you don't feel like it."

"No. I don't want to ruin this for you."

"It's not my birthday is it? It's all for you because it's your birthday. I don't mind what you want to do as long as it's with you." Xavier took his hand off my thigh to change the gear then placed it back.

"No. We'll go. Try new things and all that isn't it? I won't get anywhere if I don't try it." I nodded. My hand landing on top of Xavier's where he intwined our fingers.

"Ok. Just let me know when it gets too much." He kissed my knuckles.

I nodded and did the same to him. "What did Memphis mean by teen pregnancy?" I asked.

"Abuelo had my mum at fourteen, teen pregnancy. And my mum had me at sixteen. I guess he just wants you to have a normal teen life without a baby coming into the mix. I want the same to. I'm only twenty two so it's not really that much of a big deal. If you want a baby in the future then we'll do it. Just not yet." He explained.

"What if I want a baby now?" I smiled a little watching his facial expression.

"You want a baby now?" He looked at me for a second then putting his eyes on the road. "I'm not sure. I guess I don't mind putting one in you but I'm not sure if you're ready. It's not as easy at it seems to raise a child."

"I know. I'm just playing. I want as much time with you before we expand our love to children of our own." I giggled a little.

"You're a little minx you know that? I actually thought you wanted a baby right now." Xavier smiled a little.

"I do. I really do want a baby but I'm not ready." I looked at him. "Maybe in a couple years when I'm not just becoming an adult."

"Don't rush it baby. You still have time to be a little girl before all that. It's only been four years since you've been able to have a real childhood and stuff like that." Xavier sighed a little.

"I know. But I know it's starting to affect you and you're work."

"It's not. Nate gave that permanent position so I could get you things. It's not affecting me at all. And when you need me most Nate always lets me leave early." He chuckled a little.

"Ok. But I feel ready to become an adult. Do adult stuff so I can also get you things as well." I sighed a little.

"In your own time baby. Nothing needs to be rushed."  Xavier kissed the back of my hand.

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