66. He's coming

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Xavier POV

I woke up to my wife slipping from the bed. "Where are you going?" My voice deep and full of sleep as I put my hand on her back.

"I need a drink. I'll be back in a minute." Nevah told me. I nodded and let her get up. Even with my eyes closed, I stayed awake and waited for Nevah to come back to bed.

"Ah." Nevah winced.

"Are you ok baby?" I opened my eyes to look at her leaning near the door.

"Yeah, braxton hicks. I'm fine. Stop worrying, he won't be here for another two weeks." She rolled her eyes. I let out a sigh and relaxed into our bed. Nevah started walking again with her hand on her big bump. It's hard to believe that there is only one baby in there with how big she is. I guess it's where Nevah's so small and we're having a boy that got his height from me.

The light of my phone lit up making me squint my eyes. I scrolled through Instagram for a couple minutes, until I heard glass breaking and Nevah crying out. Immediately I got out of bed and ran down to the kitchen of our new house.

Broken glass was around Nevah's feet as she held on to the edge of the counter. Tears soaked her cheeks with her other hand on her bump.

"What's going on?" I ran to her side letting her hold my hand.

"I think he's coming." Nevah cried out. My heartbeat went sky high as I left her side to run back to the bedroom for their hospital bag. When I got to Nevah's side again, I walked her to the front door where I quickly put some shoes on and Nevah's slippers. After grabbing my car keys and phone, we left the house.

As quick as I could, I got to the hospital to the maternity wing. Nevah was sat in a hospital by a nurse and taken into a room with me following. They changed her into a hospital gown then laid her on the bed. Things were put on her as she cried from the contractions.

Nevah was 2cm dilated so they gave her gas and air. It was a choice so Nevah took it to not feel the pain. I sat on a chair next to the bed, holding her hand and pushing her hair away from her face.

"W-we need to t-tell everyone." Nevah looked at me.

I shook me head. "Not yet, alright? Just think about our son and getting him here safely. They'll all wake up to a picture, ok?" She nodded and smiled a little.

"Ok Nevah, I'm dr Peterson, shall we see how much you've dilated?" A man smiled at her. My wife nodded letting the dr see how many centimetres dilated she was.

"Let's deliver a baby shall we." He stated. Nevah looked at me with so much worry in her eyes. She cried and held on to my hand shaking violently.

"Shh, abeja. It's ok. You've got this. Not long now, not long and you can hold our baby boy." I stood up and put my forehead against hers. Nevah nodded and waited for the dr to tell her what to do.

Soon enough, she was pushing. Her eyes squeezed shut with her mouth clenched. Nevah's hand squeezing mine as I whispered comforting things in her ear. Sweat glistened on her face making her hair stick so I carried on pushing it back.

"Baby's crowing. Would you like to see dad?" The dr looked at me. I kissed Nevah's head and moved to the bottom of the bed where I saw my son being born. Another nurse held Nevah's hand telling her she's doing amazing in my spot. My heartbeat was sky high as I watched my son being born.

"Ok Nevah, one more big push and baby will be here." Dr Peterson told her. Nevah took a deep breath and pushed as hard as she could making our son come out. The dr pulled a little bringing him out. His cries filled the room, loud and healthy.

The dr put him on Nevah's chest with a small towel over him. My wife cried and held our son, looking at him as they both cried together. The nurse that was holding Nevah's hand let me stand where she was so I could lean on the bed. One arm was over Nevah's shoulders with the other around the baby as well, holding my family close to me.

"He's perfect." Nevah ran a finger gently down his face.

"Yeah." I sniffled with a few tears rolling down my cheeks. I kissed the top of her head just watching our son, slowly calm down in Nevah's arms.

Soon enough, dr Peterson laid the baby at the end of the bed, giving me scissors to cut the umbilical cord. He told me where to cut, which I did. A nurse took the baby to clean a little and dress ready for Nevah to hold him again.

Only when he came back, he had a hat on and a small nappy. The nurse placed him on Nevah's bare chest and covered both of them with a blanket. Once again I leaned on the bed admiring my son.

"We should tell the others now." Nevah looked up at me. I nodded and grabbed my phone, taking a picture of my son.

Finn POV

When I woke up, I had a message from Xavier. I unlocked my phone seeing a small baby. A message beneath it saying

'Owen Lucas Matthews, born at 4:27am on the 24th of June.'

"Mum!" I yelled and ran into my parents room. My mum and dad looked up at me sleepily while I had a huge smile on my face.

"He's here. Nevah had the baby!" I exclaimed. I jumped on their bed showing when my phone, to which they both grabbed their phones to look.

"Why are you shouting?" Bella asked with liana and hope behind her.

"Nevah had the baby." I told them.

"Oh my god. Let me see!" Liana squealed. I showed her the picture to which all three of my sisters squealed at.

"What did they call him?" Mum asked me.

"Owen Lucas Matthews. It says in the text." I chuckled a little.

"He's so cute." They all awed at the picture.

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