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The two were having a day off, as the incident from the day before was still haunting the younger and he didn't want Tae to leave him on his own. The couple were snuggled up with one another in their warm bed, late in the morning. The two were fairy tired as during the night Jungkook had a nightmare...

Flash back...

Jungkook was squirming around in bed, as he was captivated in a nightmare. He threw himself back and forth, kicking away the duvet.

Taehyung instantly woke up, to Jungkook crying and throwing himself around. Tae widened his eyes and quickly held the younger. He pulled him so close that there wasn't any space between them. Tae wrapped his arms around the boy, which made him stop moving. But the tears didn't stop, it got to the point the boy was choking, gasping for air.
"Koo baby, wake up for me" Tae spoke out kissing the boy's tears as they flowed down his cheeks.

Not too long after Jungkook woke up, hyperventilating.
"Hey, Shh, take deep breathes for me" Tae husked out gently rocking them side to side.
He began humming a sweet tune for the younger, as he heard his breathing slowing down.
"I'm so proud of you baby, it's just a dream okay, it won't hurt you, I'm here. It wasn't real"
Tae peppered the younger's face with small kisses making the younger giggle.

Jungkook shifted on Tae's lap, so he was now straddling him and he wrapped his arms around Tae's neck. Tae held onto Jungkook's waist, caressing it softly.
"I love you" Jungkook sighed kissing him on the lips gently.
"I love you too baby" Tae quickly returned.

They spent an hour or so just talking about random things, until Jungkook was ready to go back to sleep.

End of Flash back...

Jungkook woke up and studied the elders face. He looked at him sweetly and sighed.
"I love you more than you'll ever know" Jungkook whispered to his boyfriend.

Jungkook slowly got out of bed, making sure he wouldn't wake the other and made his way downstairs. He went to the kitchen and began making breakfast. He sang quietly swaying his hips side to the beat of the music.
Not even a second later, Jungkook felt arms circle around his waist. Jungkook leaned his head back on Tae's shoulder and shut his eyes briefly, liking the warmth from the other.

"Morning beautiful" Tae husked out, in a deep voice.
He placed a kiss on Jungkook's cheek and dug his head on Jungkook's small shoulder.
"Morning hyungie"
Jungkook moved his head from Tae's shoulder and carried on making their breakfast.
"What do you want to do today?"
"Cuddle" Jungkook admitted, he didn't feel like doing anything big, he just wanted the comfort from Tae and that's all.
"Sounds like a great plan sweet" Tae kissed his cheek and went over to get the plates.
Jungkook dished up the eggy bread and added some pepper to it. They took it to the table and ate, sharing a few conversations.

When they were done, Tae put the dishes in the dishwasher and followed Jungkook upstairs. They got to their room and got changed out their pyjamas into comfortable clothing.
As Jungkook got undressed he looked at himself in the mirror. He brought his hand up to his neck and traced this fingers over the bruises made yesterday.

Tae who was fully clothed, noticed the boys actions and made his way over to him. He wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist and dug his head into the boys neck. Jungkook looked at his boyfriend through the mirror and lightly smiled, knowing that he felt bad. He started feeling light, soft kisses trail up and down his neck.
"Taetae" Jungkook's voice cracked.
"I'm so sorry he did this, I can't bare to see these evil marks litter something so beautiful. He won't be able to hurt you anymore, and I promise I'll protect you from all the bad. I can't let my baby suffer anymore" Tae carried on gently kissing his neck once again.
"I love you so much koo, so so so much"
Jungkook began tearing up and turned around. The wrapped his arms around Tae and smashed his lips onto Tae's. Tae quickly responded and took charge of the kiss. He caressed the younger's exposed hip, making the younger gasp. Tae quickly took his chance and slid his tongue into to Jungkook's mouth, tasting every sweet cavern of the younger's mouth. Jungkook moaned at the feeling, leaving his face flushing red.

They pulled away from the make out and panted heavy, resting their foreheads together.
"I love you too" Jungkook smiled.
"Good, now I'm going to take my baby and give him the biggest cuddles in the world"
Tae helped the younger put a t-shirt on and picked the boy up, throwing him over his shoulder, making Jungkook scream happily.
"Tae put me down" Jungkook laughed loudly, throwing weak punches at Tae's butt.
"Nope" Tae chuckled, taking him downstairs and to the living room.

Jungkook was so happy that he ended up slipping into Little space.
"Dadddyyy koo ishh upside downnn" Jungkook giggled.
"Ahhhh my baby boyyy" Tae smiled knowing the younger slipped.
He placed the little on the couch, looking at the boy which had a huge smile plastered on his face.
Jungkook started clapping at his daddy.
"Daddy made koo flyyyyy" the little screamed happily.
"He sure did baby" Tae smiled sitting next to the boy, pulling him onto his lap. Jungkook cuddled up to him, leaving no space between them.

"Daddddyyyyy" Jungkook called.
"Babyyyyyyyyy" Tae copied the younger making Jungkook whine.
"I'm only kidding koo, what's wrong?" Tae chuckled, making Jungkook feel the vibrations.
"Koo wants kishies" Jungkook pouted.
"Does koo deserve kissies?" Tae jokingly questioned.
"Pweaseee" Jungkook pleaded, holding his hands together, jutting his bottom lip out and giving him beady eyes.
"Of course my baby deserves kisses" Tae displayed his boxy smile, before pressing his lips onto the younger's, making Jungkook smile into the kiss.

They were soon cut off by a phone ringing. Jungkook whined, when Tae detached their lips and grabbed his phone, answering it.
"Hello?" Tae asked as he caressed the cheeks of his pouty baby.
Tae listened to the person on the other side of the phone and smiled instantly.
"I'd love to! Can I bring my boyfriend, I want you all to meet him!" Tae asked, looking directly at Jungkook, who was fairly confused.
"Cool cya tomorrow" Tae said before putting the phone down.

"Who was dat daddy?" Jungkook asked cocking his head to the side.
"One of my best friends, were meeting up with the group tomorrow. I'm going to introduce you to them, they'll love you" Tae said with a proud smile.
"They will lob koo?"
"More than anything" Tae kissed the younger making a loud mwah sound, making Jungkook erupt into giggles.

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