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"Can we have some food, I'm starving" Hobi whined.
Jin slammed his hands on the table and looked at Hobi dead in the eye.
"YAH I made you 3 hot chocolates and now you're complaining that you're hungry, boi have you been feeding yourself?" Jin asked concerned.
"Yes I do, but I haven't eaten anything today. Please Jin hyung I'll do anything" Hobi pleaded not realising what he just committed himself to.
"Anything?" Jin smirked, liking where this was going.
"Y-yeah anything, as long as you give me a lot"
"Agreed, right I'll get you all some food" Jin smiled walking off to get snacks for the group.

Jungkook was watching the scene unfold, quietly giggling at Jin and Hobi. Jungkook had left Tae's lap a little while ago as he felt bad, so he was currently in his seat. Tae was busy talking to Namjoon about his company, and Jimin and Yoongi were in their own little world. Jungkook loved seeing how the group got along.

Jin came back with a load of different snacks. He dropped them in the middle of the table and everyone started to dive in grabbing the food they wanted. Tae grabbed food for both him and Jungkook and sat back in his seat.
"Here baby" Tae said, bringing a cookie up to his lips.
Jungkook ate the cookie, slowly eating it, covering his mouth with his hand as he ate it. While everyone ate happily, talking as they ate and making moans because of how good the food tasted.
"Thanks for the food hyung" Yoongi smiled, munching on the food.

Out of no where Tae whipped out a bottle of banana milk. He had secretly put it in his bag before leaving, as he knew the younger was nervous and he thought he would surprise randomly.

Jungkook's eyes widened and glistened. Tae watched as the younger's eyes glistened, and he knew straight away the younger had slipped. It was never his intention to make the younger slip, but he couldn't be happier that his baby had decided to show himself.
"Hey baby, do you want it?" Tae asked quietly.
Jungkook looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Use words baby" Tae commanded.
"Y-Yesh pwease daddy" Jungkook said quietly.
"Louder baby, daddy can't hear you when you're mumbling" Tae teased.
Jungkook huffed not liking that he was being teased. "Yesh pwease daddy" Jungkook shouted loudly.

He shouted so loud, everyone stopped their conversations and looked towards the younger. Some for their eyes widened, hearing the younger's words.
"I-is he little?" Jin softly asked, not wanting to scare him.
Tae nodded, which made everyone gasp. Jungkook saw everyone looking at him, and didn't like it. He looked around to find an escape route but there wasn't any. There wasn't an easy access for him just to crawl onto Tae's lap and hide either. Tears fell down his cheeks and he quickly hid his face in his hands.

Tae quickly noticed and shuffled his chair back. He pulled the younger's hands away from his face and pulled him onto his lap. Jungkook immediately hid his head into the crook of Tae's neck and held onto him tightly.
"Hey baby, don't cry hmm, everyone wants to say hello" Tae whispered, rubbing circles on his back.
Jungkook pulled away from his neck and turned around so he was now facing everyone.

They all looked at the younger with soft eyes, and small smiles.
"Hey sweetie, we're not going to hurt you! We are your uncles" Jin smiled.
"U-uncles?" Jungkook tilted his head.
"Yeah we're your uncles" Jimin clapped happily, which made Jungkook clap as well with a small smile.
Everyone laughed at how cute the boy was being.
"He's actually so adorable" Hobi squealed happily.
"Can koo have bana miwlkie pwease?" Jungkook asked Tae politely.
"Of course baby" Tae smiled.
He screwed open the bottle and put the straw in. Jungkook carefully took it from his hands and began drinking it as he leant back onto Tae's chest.

Once he was done, everyone was playing with koo, and getting to know the little a bit better. It was safe to say Jungkook was much more comfortable with them than he was earlier.
Jungkook was happily blabbing away about the toys he has at home, and everyone just listened with huge smiles on their faces. Everyone loved him.

"Hey koo, daddy needs to go to the toilet, whose lap do you want to sit on?" Tae asked, knowing that everyone would be happy enough to have the boy sit on their laps. Jungkook was much smaller than all of them and had a frail body compared to them all, so he wouldn't be heavy and unbearable to have on their laps.

Jungkook looked at them intensely, trying to pick someone. Everyone was begging for him to sit on their laps, mainly Jimin and Jin. But they were all being pretty competitive about it.
Jungkook smiled and giggled at them, liking the attention they gave him.
"Hmm uncle Yoonie" Jungkook chose.
"What no fair, I wanted him on my lap" Jimin pouted.
Tae stood up and carried Jungkook over to Yoongi. Yoongi opened up his arms and helped Jungkook onto his lap.
"Koo likes yoonie's hair" Jungkook commented, carefully touching the males Mint green hair, not wanting to hurt him.
"Awh thank you koo" Yoongi flashed him his gummy smile.
"This is so not fair, I want him on my lap" Jimin huffed looking at his boyfriend with the little.

Although Jimin and Yoongi are boyfriends, something like this wouldn't affect their relationship, nor would it make them jealous. Jimin was more bothered that Jungkook chose Yoongi over him. They knew that Jungkook wouldn't try and spilt them up as he's all over Tae, and the boy was in the headspace of a child, so it's not like he'll do anything bad.

"Chimmy nu pout" Jungkook pouted seeing Jimin pout.
"Oh my gosh he called me chimmy, that's actually adorable. Yoongi I want to adopt him. Let's take him and run away, screw Tae, I want him" Jimin pleaded.

Jimin heard a deep cough coming from the side of them. He looked up and saw Tae standing there cocking an eyebrow.
"Nope, that's definitely not happening. There's no chance of you taking him away from me. I forbid it, he's mine" Tae said as he picked Jungkook up from Tae's lap.
"Dadddyyyy" Jungkook screams excitedly, hugging the man tightly around the neck.
"Koo missed chu" Jungkook giggled.
"I missed you too baby" Tae laughed, kissing the boys soft cheek.
"Yep he's a keeper! We accept Jungkook into our group" Namjoon announced.

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