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Christmas Eve rolled around quickly. Tae and Jungkook had decorated their house for Christmas, and they had a massive Christmas tree in the living room. The group decided that they would have a sleepover on Christmas Eve, so they could spend Christmas together. Tae offered to do it as his house, as his living room was the biggest, so they could all sleep together in the same room. The couple had gone out together the day before and got last minute things. They had bought matching pyjamas for the group as a small surprise. The 7 had also chose to do secret Santa. They had met up a few days prior and picked out their secret Santa.

"I'm so excited" Jungkook squealed watching the clock.
It was his first ever sleepover with friends, so he was so exited.
"Baby, looking at the clock won't make time go any quicker" Tae chuckled moving him away from the clock and took him to the kitchen.
"Can you help me put the snacks in the lounge please" Tae asked, carrying a few hands in his arms.
"Sure thing Taetae" Jungkook smiled, picking some stuff up and taking it to the table which Tae had set up in the living room.
The clock finally rang 6pm, which meant they would be arriving soon.

The door bell rang and Jungkook squealed happily. Tae laughed fondly and opened the door.
"Taeee" Jin shouted happily.
"Jinnnn" Tae replied.
"Hey Tae" Namjoon smiled.
"Hey bro" Tae responded.
They walked in and saw Jungkook in the living room.
"My babyyy" Jin squealed rushing over to Jungkook, hugging him closely.
"Hi jinie" Jungkook giggled hugging him back.
The door bell rang a few more times, and the rest of the group walked in.
"Ayyyy merry christmas eve homies" Hobi screamed enthusiastically.
"Christmas film marathon here we come" Jimin skipped around.

Everyone shoved their duvets and pillows on the air beds Tae had pre blown up. He had blown up 3 double beds as he knew Hobi would bagsy the couch, which he did. They were about to get comfortable but Tae told them to freeze.
"So we have a surprise for you" Tae clapped.
He went to the tree which was surrounded by a load of presents since the others had out there's underneath the tree as well.
He reached down and picked up the 5 boxes. He gave them to each person and told them to open them together. They opened them up and saw all the matching pyjamas.
"Omg they are so cute!" Jimin smiled.
"Thanks Tae!" Yoongi cheered.
Everyone got dressed in them and grabbed the snacks they wanted. They went to their beds and Tae pressed play on the remote. They started off with a classic, Arthur Christmas.
Tannie jumped up on the couch, and snuggled up with Hobi. While Namjoon and Jin hugged under the duvet. Jimin was cuddled up to Yoongi on his lap and Jungkook was sitting between Tae's legs, leaning on Tae's chest.

After watching Arthur Christmas and the Christmas chronicles 1 & 2, they decided they've had enough with watching films and decided to play a game instead. It was about an hour and an half till midnight, meaning an hour and a half till Christmas.

"Come on let's play truth and dare" Hobi cheered.
Everyone agreed and sat up from their positions. Tae grabbed a water bottle and spun it. It landed on Namjoon.
"Okay Namjoon truth or dare?" Tae asked.
"Oof boring" Jimin fake yawned.
"Where is the weirdest place you and Jin have done the dirty?" Tae smirked.
"Yah Kim Taehyung you absolute bum hole" Jin screeched.
"Uhm probably in a trains toilet" Namjoon confessed.
"Oh my EWWW" Hobi fake gagged making Jungkook giggle.
"Okay moving swiftly on" Namjoon said quickly spinning the bottle, and landed on Hobi making him groan.
"Hobi truth or dare"
"Dare, gotta live life dangerously"
"Okay I dare you to give a banana a blow job"
Everyone laughed at the dare.
"How did you even come up with that?" Yoongi wheezed.
"I dunno to be honest"
Jin got up and got Hobi a banana, passing it to him. He pealed the banana and started doing his thing. Everyone watched, dying of laughter, throwing themselves around in hysteric.

Once he was done he ate the banana and spun the bottle, which landed on Jungkook.
"kook truth or dare?"
"Uhm dare" Jungkook anxiously replied.
"I dare you to give Tae a lap dance to a song of my choice and you have to do it till the song ends" Hobi smirked.
Tae chocked on nothing, making him cough, while Jungkook's eyes widened. Everyone laughed and cheered Hobi.
Jimin ran off and ran back with a chair for Tae to sit on. Jimin grabbed Tae's arm and pulled him to the chair.
"I will murder you when I get my hands on you" Tae said lowly to Hobi before sitting on the chair.
Hobi chuckled and chose a song, Coming of age - Park Jiyoon.

Hobi pressed play, while the others sat there with smirks tugging at their lips.
Jungkook took a deep breath and turned around looking at Tae straight in the eye. Tae had never seen Jungkook like this, so he was kind of intrigued as to what he was going to do.

Jungkook slowly walked up to Tae swinging his hips side to side to the beat. He swung his leg over Tae's body. Jungkook held on Tae's hands and guided them to his waist. Jungkook gripped onto Tae's shoulders, he began doing slow body ripples and moving his hips slowly, lowering himself down onto Tae.
The group began whistling and cheering the younger on. Once he finished Jungkook got up and shyly sat back down.
"Uhm excuse me for a second" Tae coughed running away to the bathroom.
"Well we all know what he's doing" Hobi wheezed.
"Unholy things" Jin laughed.
Everyone carried on with the game, mostly doing truths because no one could top Hobi's dare for Jungkook.

Not too long later Tae came back ruffling his hair awkwardly.
"The mans back from his lil session with himself" Namjoon cocked his eyebrow.
"Yah be quiet" Tae said throwing a pillow into his face.
Tae sat next to his boyfriend, feeling a little awkward, because of what his boyfriend just did and how it completely turned him on and he didn't know how to act. But Jungkook wasn't really phased by what happened. Yes he was extremely shy and embarrassed but not to the point he didn't want to hug him anymore. So Jungkook shuffled closer to him and lifted his arm up. He snuggled into his chest, sighing in delight. Tae smiled and pulled the boy close.
"Merry Christmas!" They all cheered, seeing the time turn to 12am.
Jungkook looked up at Tae and pressed his lips onto the others. Tae quickly responded and kissed back. They moved apart and rested their foreheads together and smiled.
"Merry Christmas baby"

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