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Jungkook was standing in front of his mirror freaking out. It was already 5:59pm, and Tae would be here any second. He looked at himself in the mirror one more time.

He was proud of his outfit, and his make up, it took him ages to decided. He stood around nervously, it was his first date in years.  Suddenly there was a knock at his door. He opened the door and saw Taehyung standing there.
"C-come in" Jungkook stuttered as he looked at the handsome man in front of him.

"Thanks kookie" Tae smiled as he walked in.
"Did you d-dye your hair?" Jungkook gulped.
"I did, do you like it?"
"I love it!" Jungkook smiled sweetly.
"You look amazing by the way"
"You look amazing as well" Jungkook muttered shyly.
"Okay you ready to go?" Tae said swinging his car keys on his finger.
"Yep" Jungkook said grabbing his phone and shoving it in his pocket.

They walked out the door together and Jungkook locked it behind them. Tae stretched out his hand for the younger to hold, which he shyly took. They walked past the noisy apartments, making the younger flinch. Tae would notice and squeeze the younger's hand in comfort. They walked out the apartment complex and walked to Tae's car. The elder opened the door and helped Jungkook get into the car. Once he was in he shut the door and got into the car himself and drove off.

"Are you hungry?" Tae asked.
"Yeah I am a bit" Jungkook spoke.
"Good, I know a great restaurant which isn't too far from here"
"Thank you Tae" Jungkook sighed.
"For what?" Tae asked furrowing his eyebrows confused.
"For everything. Y-you helped me when I was distressed, and you calmed me down. You looked after to me when I was in little space, and you didn't judge me. No one has ever done that, they've always looked at me and laughed, or they would look at me in pure disgust. It's hard, I haven't been able to find a job until now. Then on the very first day of my new job, my camera breaks and you supply me with a new one and a laptop. How can someone give so much love and kindness, to someone like me?" Jungkook sighed.

Tae placed his spare hand in Jungkook's hand and intwined their fingers.
"Jungkook you don't need to thank me. You're a sweet person and I can tell that you are hard working. You're so beautiful and your little self is so cute. I can tell you mean well and your camera breaking wasn't your fault. Just try your best, and don't change yourself in the process"
Jungkook had his mouth agape. No words could form. He looked at Tae's face with his soft doe eyes and just stared at him lovingly.

Tae noticed and chuckled softly. He brought their intwined hands to his lips and he kissed Jungkook's small hand, letting his lips linger on his hand. Jungkook had thoughts flow through his head, Was this too fast? What happens if he's acting? Could it all be fake? He shook his head and blushed, looking away from the male and turned his gaze towards the window. It was strange, Jungkook had only met Tae yesterday, yet the feeling that Tae brought to him was warm and comforting, he couldn't understand.

Not too long later, they reached the restaurant and he parked the car. He let go of the younger's hand and got out the car, opening the door for Jungkook. Tae held out his arm and Jungkook shyly linked it with his smaller one. Tae locked the car and they excitedly walked inside. The pair were led to their table and they sat down facing each other.
"Have whatever you like" Tae smiled.
"Are you sure? I don't mind having the salad or something" Jungkook questioned with honesty.
"I brought you here, have whatever you like, don't think about the price"
"Thank you so much" Jungkook smiled gratefully before he scanned the menu and came to a decision.
"What would you like?"
"Can I have the carbonara please, and a glass of water"
"Of course you can"
The waiter came over and took their order.
"Can we have two carbonara's, one water and a coke please" Tae spoke, knowing the younger wouldn't want to talk.
"Of course we will bring you your order as soon as possible"

The night was full of laughter, and getting to know each other. They were very happy in each other's presence. Jungkook felt at ease with him, he felt safe. He could finally be himself around someone, instead of keeping up a heavy guard the whole time.
Tae on the other hand was feeling the most happy he's ever felt. He was comfortable with the younger and he could trust him. He wasn't like the fake girls who want him for money. He was genuine and actually cared about his feelings and took an interest about his life beyond fame.

It was getting to the end of dinner and Tae was feeling more confident. Gosh he must be out of his mind to ask this question, he hadn't even touched alcohol so he didn't know where his sudden burst of confidence came from.
"Uh Jungkook, I know this is really early but I want to ask you this before I ask you my next question.
Jungkook looked up at him with big beady eyes. He sat there confused as to what the male wants to ask him, which only made him think of the worst.
"Would you like to be my boyfriend? I know it's so early, and I'm kinda questioning myself. But I can tell you're an amazing person and I don't want to lose my chance. God I sound like Anna I'm frozen" Tae looked at the boy, he scratched the back of his neck, never feeling this nervous before.

There was a slight delay, Jungkook was sat there frozen, trying to process everything. He bit his lip and had a internal conflict between himself. He tried weighing up the options in his head, he didn't want to get hurt again, but his heart craved for Taehyung. He slowly looked up and looked at Tae's genuine eyes.

"I..yes.. I would love to be your b-boyfriend" Jungkook said overwhelmed.
"Really! Oh my god, I was so scared for a second. Okay well this then leads to my next question... will you let me be your caregiver?"
"R-really? Tae you really don't have to. It's a big commitment, I'm a really dependent little" Jungkook began waffling about how clingy he was.
"Jungkook I'm so sure, I wouldn't want it any other way."
"Y-yes, yes I would love you to be my caregiver. Thank you so much Tae" Jungkook teared up.
"Don't cry bub" Tae smiled. "Let's go, do you want to come to mine? I'm sure Tannie would love to see you!"
"W-who is Tannie?" Jungkook asked.
"My dog" Tae chuckled
"Ahh yes I'd l-love too" Jungkook giggled.
"Let's go" Tae said taking the boys hand and walked out the restaurant after paying.

Once they got to Tae's house, Jungkook gawked at the size.
"Your house is stunning"
"Thank you baby, now come on I want you to meet tannie"
Jungkook blushed at the nickname and quickly followed him. Tae unlocked the door and they walked in. The comforting smell of Tae filled his nose. They walked further into the house and that was when they heard the dog running towards them. Jungkook's eyes grew and he began slipping seeing a ball of fluff jumping to them. He lightly tugged Tae's sleeved and looked at him.
"Are you okay baby?" Tae asked.
"D-daddy can koo pet t-tannie?" Jungkook muttered shyly.
"Of course baby, go ahead, just be careful" Tae smiled, feeling all mushy inside that Jungkook trusts him enough to call him daddy.
Jungkook carefully sat on the floor and gently petted the dog which was sitting on the younger's lap. His giggles echoed through the room, making Tae smile brightly at the scene.

Explanation for readers: Apologies for how fast they got together, I wanted this book to be more focused on them as a couple, so because of that I rushed the start, I know relationships wouldn't really happen that fast, unless your someone who likes that stuff, no judgment, but to be fair this is a fictional book so anything can happen.... but I do know it's fast but I just wanted to make it clear as to why I did it ❤️

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