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"Koo" Tae called out loudly. The little came running to his boyfriend, trying to wipe his face as he ran to him. Tae was about to say something but when he looked down, he noticed chocolate smeared on the side of his face.
"Koo have you eaten something without asking daddy first?" Tae asked with a deep voice.
"N-nu" Jungkook looked at Tae with his innocent doe eyes.
"Koo don't lie to me, how much did you eat?"
Jungkook stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.
"Koo had 2 bars" Jungkook looked down at his feet in shame.
"Baby it's rude to look at the floor when someone's speaking to you" Tae spoke, putting his finger under the boys chin lifting his head up to face him.
"Koo is sowy" Jungkook mumbled.
"Well done baby for apologising, daddy just doesn't want his favourite baby to be sick. Dinner will be ready soon, and we have treats after dinner not just before, okay"
"Yesh daddy, can koo be carried pwease"
"Sure thing baby as you asked so nicely"
Tae bent down and lifted him by his thighs. Jungkook quickly wrapped his arms around the elders neck and hugged him close.
"Can koo have kishie from daddy?"
"Of course baby" Tae chuckled as the younger's cuteness.
Jungkook moved his head down and attached his lips. The sweet feeling of their lips against each other rushed through their bodies. Tae bit down on the younger's bottom lip, making the younger gasp. Tae took his chance and pushed his tongue in exploring every sweet cavern of the younger's mouth. Although Jungkook was in a little space he still knew what a kiss was. The two ended up pulling away and heavy breathing after their long make out session.
"Koo loves daddy's kishies" Jungkook giggled.
"Daddy loves kissing his baby as well, especially when he tastes like chocolate" Tae chuckled.
Jungkook scrunched up his nose as he giggled, displaying his bunny teeth.
"Awh aren't you a cutie" Tae squeezed the younger's chubby cheeks.
"Nuu" Jungkook shook his head.
Tae just laughed and nodded his head knowing that he's right.
"Darling, what do you want for dinner?"
Jungkook tapped his finger on his chin as he thought.
"Koo wants fishie fingers" Jungkook smiled.
"Sure, do you want to stay with me or go in the lounge?"
"Koo stay with daddy" Jungkook clapped.
"Okay, well you will have to be patient if you want my attention"
"Okie daddy"
Tae carried the younger to the counter and placed him on it. He began making their food, putting it in the oven, while Jungkook was humming to some random song. Once Tae was done, he wiped his hands on a towel and walked over to his boyfriend.
"My baby looks so pretty" Tae said looking at the younger who was swinging his legs left and right. The boy was wearing one of Tae's shirts and short shorts. His thighs were on full show, Tae knew they were thick but not that thick. He was amazed that the boy could look so amazing
"Thank chu daddy, koo thinks daddy ish very hanshome!" Jungkook smiled softly.
"Thank you baby" Tae kissed the boys lips lovingly.

It was already night time and Jungkook thought it would be funny not to listen to his caregiver as a little joke.

Although Jungkook was a sweet little, and didn't do much wrong, he would still be mischievous. Every little can be mischievous, and Tae knew that. He knew straight away what he was going to get himself into when he agreed to be the boys caregiver. He knew how to punish little's well, as his cousin was a very naughty little, meaning he had to tell him off a lot.

Jungkook was running around the house in just his pants as he didn't want to get in the bath. Every time Tae would get close to him, he would just dart away in the opposite direction. It started off as something funny, but the more times Jungkook ran away from him the more Tae became fed up. He knew Jungkook was having fun as he was giggling hard, but Tae was losing his patience.
"Koo come here now" Tae said, trying not to scream.
"Nuu daddy come catch me" Jungkook giggled running off.
"Jungkook come here now, if you don't come here in the count of 3 you will be getting time out and no cuddles for the rest of the night." Tae shouted.
Jungkook's stomach dropped when he heard Tae shout his fall name. He hated it, he hated hearing his full name and that was all because of his old caregiver. Before Tae could even count to one, Jungkook was standing in front of Tae with a plain face.
"Right you will have a 10 minute time out to reflect what you did wrong" Tae demanded. Jungkook didn't say anything and just did what he was told. He sat on the floor facing the wall in silence. The sighed and went to the bathroom and started running the boy his bath. He also got Jungkook's clothes and put them in the bathroom.

The 10 minutes were finally up. Tae walked back to the younger and saw the tears falling down the boys face, but he wasn't making a noise.
"Koo, come here, your time is up baby" Tae said sympathetically not liking to watch his baby cry. Jungkook stood up and ran to his caregiver. He dug his face into Tae's chest and cried.
"K-koo ish s-sowy daddy"
"It's okay baby, I know you were just having some fun, but when I tell you to come to me you need to do so"
"Koo ish sowy, b-but daddy called koo J-Jungkook, koo d-doesnt like being called Jungkook when daddy ish angry" the boy sobbed.
"Oh no baby, I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm sorry!"
Jungkook just nodded.
"Now dry these eyes, daddy doesn't like seeing you cry. Let's go have a bath hm"
"Okay daddy" Jungkook kissed Tae's chest as he couldn't reach his head, and they went to the bathroom.

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